2. Hung over rover

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Uhhh I have the worst hang over ever.  Well not the worst but that is what I feel like.  My  head throbbed and I froze, filled with fear of nausea.  I just want to go back to sleep, sleep this away.  My phone buzzed and I wrinkled my whole face and groaned.  I opened one eye, trying to focus.  I rolled over, and my body continued to roll.  Oh man I think I am still drunk.  Fuck drunk, I feel like I had been roofied.

I eyed my phone through the slit of eyelids. 

"Just checking up on you.  You were so waisted when you left."

I don't remember getting home really.  I remembered the walk, and feeling like someone was following me, but after that nothing.  I inhaled deeply in the form of a sigh, but then it grew to taking a strong sniff of myself.  I smelled like the bar and smoke.  There was also an undertone of a mans cologne.  It smelled really good, expensive too.  But I don't remember anyone that would wear something like that.  Most of the guys at the bar wore shit from Walmart.  I got lucky if someone put something on from macys.  This smell, it was designer kind of smell.

Another mystery to add to what is my life.

I got up and haphazardly made my way to the shower.  Trying to sober myself up enough to get past the full blown hangover stage.  Cold sprays pelted down at me, but my mind was still in a fog.  I got out and wrapped a towel around my chest.  Coffee  coffee coffee coffee coffee.  Yep that would do it.  I made my way to the kitchen, and mindlessly snagged the pot from the machine, only to find it was full, hot and ready.

"what the fuck"

I must have set the timer, and not remembered.  That was the only explanation.  Shit is getting to weird.  I poured a cup and went back to my room.  I threw on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with the words Killing it across the front.  I felt like she was killing it today, but not in the way that the shirt meant.  I threw my brown hair up in a messy bun and snatched my keys off the counter. 

Strange, I dont' remember putting my keys there, and I usually don't.  Man my drunk self must be awesome or something.

I headed out the door and began to text my friend Shelly back.  "Breakfast now, at the usual place."  I shoved her phone in my back pocket and locked the door behind me.

We sat at the diner and gossiped about the night before.  Shelly had left with the only decent guy at the bar, and I had stayed for a few more drinks before leaving.    The whole time, I kept getting that familiar feeling of someone watching me, and I kept brushing it off.  I mentioned it to Shelly, and she said I was just being a goose and to knock it off.  When it came time to pay the bill, she asked for the check.  The waiter politely informed us, that it had been taken care of.

"By who?"  We both asked at the same time.  I looked around the busy patio, but saw no one was looking at us.

"A gentleman came in, a few hours ago and told me that if a young brunette came in and ordered a scrambled egg with green peppers and onion, the he would take care of the meal."

Shelly nodded and the waiter walked away.
"Damn girl who did you hook with after I left?"

"No one.  I don't even remember walking through my door.  This is getting too weird." I whispered the last part to myself.

I sat for a moment and thought to myself, time to confess girl.  All of the weird feelings and now last night.  Things were getting too real.

"I shouldn't have made it home last night.  I felt like some one was following me.  And this morning coffee was made waiting for me and my keys were in a different place than where I usually put them.  And now someone knows what i eat and where i eat it at!"

"Wow.  I think someone slipped a bit of looney in your eggs.  Yeah the bill is a little weird, but those other things, sound like a normal day in the life of Gemma."

Gemma eyed her friend, reluctant to give one last chance to prove her sanity.  "I have always felt like someone has been watching me, for the last few months."

"With as much shit you get yourself into, its probably your guardian angel."

I gave a weak smile and let the conversation morph into another topic.  But even as we were sitting there I could feel him, watching me.

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