25. Improper proposal

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    I have effing strep throat right now. forgive me   

    I thought about Friday for a while and waited until that morning to tell Shelly. I text her and told her to get to work early so we could talk. When I told her that Aaron had invited me out and I needed her to be my wingman for once, her face split with a grin. She was super excited, but then she was a little worried about me.

    "You know you can't drink on your meds. If you have an attack while you are drunk that's it."

    "Shell, I'll be too drunk to worry. Just stick with me until I get to that point. You know you want to figure out my mystery man as much as I do?"

    "I just want you to get laid and get over you ex." I shot her a glare and she continued as we rode up the elevator. "I know you're not like me when it comes to those things, but it has been months." Her exasperation was not out of her voice. "I just want you to get back to the most awesomest you. I want you to be happy."

    I bent down on one knee, thank god I wore slacks today. "Shelly Rose Allen, will you be my wingwoman tonight?" Just then the elevator door opened and and there stood our boss. Shelly glanced over to him and then back to me.

    "Yes, Yes! Forever Yes!" She pulled me up to my feet and we both giggled. Our boss shook his head and left. I got out on this floor and hollered back to Shelly before the door closed. "Shopping after work!"

    "OF Course!"

    Shelly had tried really hard for me to get a job on her floor, but somehow my application had gotten put in the wrong stack and I got an assistant job. Shelly worked in the cube farm a few floors below, but liked to see me to my floor in the morning. Personally, I think she was just stalling before she had to actually work. I didn't mind most of the time.

    Every minute that went by was a minute more of my nervousness for tonight. I couldn't truly tell if it was nerves or excitement of actually getting to see Aaron. Luckily he hadn't text me at all today. I think right now that would just make things worse. Right about an hour before quitting time Shell text me, asking where I wanted to go shopping for clothes. Neither one of us needed new club clothes, but that had never stopped us before. Plus today was payday. I told her we could go to the mall and just walk around. Maybe walking would help get rid of some of this jittery feeling in my stomach. She suggested we meet up there and then split to get ready separately. Our conversation ended with her texting. "Shave your shit too." I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

We met up at the mall, right outside of Macy's and started our journey, walking into whatever store caught our attention.  Shelly ended up with an armful of bags to my measly two.  I bought a cute black skirt with designs sewed in and a cute hot pink top that would work well with a pair of heels I have yet to wear at home.  Shelly bought two skirts, a pair of skinny jeans and four shirts.  Shelly had the opposite problem I had.  When I was broke, I found all kinds of clothes I wanted, but when I had money, it was slim pickings. 

We stopped by a restaurant in the mall to get something in our bellies before the night of alcohol.  Shelly sat opposite of me in a booth at a Mexican place. 

"Any word from Aaron today?"

I chewed my burrito a little slower, thinking about how this conversation is going to go. "Not yet."

"You sure he is still going?  Is he picking you up?"

"He is not picking me up.  I told him I would meet him there, just in case."

"You mean just in case he is a butterhead."

The couple at the next table gave us a funny look and we both laughed, I nearly sprayed chips out of my mouth.  Once we calmed down I spoke.  "Just in case he isn't what he seems to be."

"You could always catch a ride home with me."

I gave her an are-your-stupid-look.  "We both know you never go home by yourself."

She took a bite of beans.  "But tonight I am your wingwoman.  I'm here for you."

"I'm no clock blocker Shell.  I'll just take a cab like I always do."

She nodded, looking down at her food then looked back up.  "If he doesn't show, we will still have fun.  Besides, you haven't had a visit from your guardian angel have you?"

"No." I grumbled out.  I know what she is going to say next.

"Then that in itself is a reason to go out.  You get the check here and I will get drinks tonight.  As many as you can steal from me."

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