19. Drugged and lied to

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I woke up to a familiar smell, one that I wanted to inhale deeply, but also made me want to throw up.  I opened my eyes wide, trying to find the culprit.  That fucking teddy bear was wrapped in my arms.  I quickly flung it across the room and yelled for Shelly in panic.  I balled myself up and pulled my back against her headboard.  Shelly came running in. 

"What's wrong?"  She breathed it out as one word in terror.

"I told you I never wanted to see that piece of shit ever again!"

Seeing there was nothing in the room different and I wasn't dying she relaxed a little.  "What are you talking about?"

"That fucking teddy bear.  It smells just like him and I don't want it anywhere near me."  My chest started to hurt and my breathing became abnormal.

"You stole it from me last night.  I had it under my pillow and you pulled it out in your sleep and clung to it with a death grip.  I tried to get it away from you."

That was it.  That was my trigger for my panic attack to overwhelm me.  Thoughts swam around in my head frantically.  Thoughts that I secretly wanted my psycho.  That I had lead him to me.  That no matter where I went he would follow me.  I would never escape.  I was so caught up in myself, I didn't know Shelly was shoving a pill in my mouth and forcing me to drink water.  My muscles were hurting now.  I didn't want to move.  I looked up to Shelly and saw her lips move, but I couldn't hear anything but the loud beat of my heart, thundering in my ears.  My eyes grew heavy.  The pill must be kicking in.  I felt Shelly pull me down and put the blanket over me.  Then nothing.

I was in bed, Shelly's bed.  I looked around the room and my head felt fuzzy.  Uh, she must have drugged me.  I got up to the bathroom and found a note on the mirror.  It reminded me of Aaron a little bit.  I read the note in bubbly hand writing.

"I called into work for you.  You had another attack.  Take the time to get your security system set up.  Call me -Shelly"

I looked at my phone.  It was already one.  I hope they could get it in by today.  I really didn't want to be at my place by myself either, but I had to.  At least until they get there.

I called and got everything set up.  I made my first payment over the phone, but they couldn't put it in for another three days.  That would be Thursday.  Fuck.  But I had to do it.  I would just have to wait it out with Shelly and hope we didn't kill each other by then.  I text Shell and told her the outcome.  I also thanked her for helping me this morning.  I started to make a bowl of cereal when my phone buzzed.  I looked at the screen.  "Fuck!"  I hadn't texted Shelly.  She was the only one I ever texted, so when I had sent the message, I didn't even bother to look at what conversation I was in.

"I know you meant to text Shelly, but I could help but pry.  What happened this morning and why do you need a security system?"

Do I tell him?  If I did, he might run the other way.  I could lie, but I never was good with that.  And there was no way I could ignore him.  It would just come up later anyway, and I wasn't over with him yet.  Maybe somewhere between the truth and a lie?  I might can do that.

"Someone broke into my apartment the other day.  I wasn't home, but when I found out I kinda freaked."

His message wasn't instant, but by the time I hade made my bowl and gotten to the couch he had replied.

"What about this morning?"

"My friend called into work for me so I could sleep in."

"What system are you getting?"

"Some knock off of ismart but it is actually better quality.  It's by a company called safeware.  Why?"

"I own safeware, and we are not a knock off."

I nearly sprayed the living room with fruity pebbles and milk.  Own, are you kidding me?  Hot, big D and wealth?  No effing way.

"If you want, I can have them install it today and wave the cost of the product and installation?  Just say yes and it is yours."

"Are you being serious?"

"I can have my men over in twenty to start the process."

"I don't think that would be appropriate.  I barely know you."

"What's your last name?"

"Everhart.... Why?"

"I told you, I take care of my girl.  I will have the apartment manager meet them there."

Possessive much, but kinda hot.  "Please don't.  I don't want to be a burden."

"It's already done.  I will let you know when it is all hooked up.  Now please leave me be.  I have to get back to this meeting before I get into more trouble."

Oh fuck me.  It is like I hit the jack pot.  Not only did some hot guy do me a huge favor, but now I could go home tonight.  I had to call Shelly.  I called the work number and made my voice deep.  I didn't know what Shelly had told our work and I didn't want to get caught playing hooky.  When Shelly answered the phone I almost squealed in her ear.

"Guess what the fuck just happened?.... Guess bitch guess!"

"You won tickets to a beiber concert?"

"That hot ass Aaron owns safeware and is having my system put in for free."

"Did you just say own? like top floor own?"


"I am googling him right now.  I want to see his face.  There must be something wrong with him.  Some flaw.  There is no way someone could be hot, hung, and rich."  I heard her pounding away on the keyboard.

"I know.  Please don't tell me he is a butterhead."

"Something isn't right.  According to Dr. Google, who knows everything, the owner is some old dude named Ryan Vatinius.  There is his flaw.  Ol' hotty is a lair."

"How old? Does he have any sons?"

"He's like sixty, and has one son, but I can't find a name anywhere.  Sorry to disappoint you."

"None at all.  I would rather find out now, than later when it was serious.  I guess I won't be going home until Thursday then, when they get the system installed.  Maybe sooner if I get a hotel."

"Oh shut up, you know you have to stay with me so you can afford the piece of mind."

"When you get home, we can go back to my place and grab enough clothes until Thursday."

"And we can order Chinese.  I really want some egg rolls."


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