31. Good enough to eat

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I snatched the phone out her hand and called him, putting him on speaker.  I signaled Shelly to be quiet and we listened to the phone ring.  "Hello?"  A deep groggy voice answered.  Shelly nudged me and I was pulled from the effects his voice was taking on me.  "Hey Aaron."

"Gemma?  Is something wrong?"

"Uhh kinda, Did we do anything last night?  I can't really remember."  I could hear rustling, like he was throwing blankets back.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Not you."  Shelly's eyes got big and she mouthed to me don't be rude.  "I remember sitting at the bar, Then Joe talking to me."

"I don't want you to drink and take pills again Gemma, It is very dangerous.  That kind of thing effects your whole body.  It can shut down your nervous system, leading to organ failure.  And I know you drink like a fish.  You could have killed yourself last night."

I could hear the concern in his voice, but what was done was done.  I didn't call him for a lecture.  "I promise I won't do it again if you tell me what happened between us."  I was staring at the screen, biting my lip when I felt the tangy taste of a wound.  I must have bit the shit out of myself last night, because it started bleeding again when my teeth ran over it.

"I came and got you.  You were too drunk to stand.  Hell you were too drunk to sit.  Joe had to give two guys free drinks to hold you up until I got there.  You owe him big.  I carried you out and drove you home."

"What aren't you telling me.  I know I'm not that boring when I drink."

I heard him chuckle.  "You might want to take me off speaker then.  I don't know if you want anyone to hear this."

I took him off speaker and held the phone up to my ear, Shelly sat on the other side, pressing her ear to my hand that held the phone.

"Okay talk."  I could feel him rolling his eyes over the phone.  I just knew it.

"We didn't have sex, if that is what you're wondering."

"Did we kiss?"

"We might have."

I scoffed.  "I thought you said gentlemen don't kiss and tell."

"You kissed me Gemma.  You were so fucked up, it didn't feel right to kiss you back."

Wow, way to make me feel like shit.  "What else?" 

"You told me I smelled good then bit me.  You wanted to see what I tasted like."

"I did not!"  Shelly slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to control the laughter.  I pushed her away from me and she ran to my room, slamming the door.  "What about these pictures on my phone?"

"That's all you baby."  God his deep sexy voice combined with those words hit straight to my core.  "It looks like you took one of them."

"I got restless of having to stay still for a picture you couldn't get right." 

I switched hands since Shelly was no longer listening.

"Did you sleep here last night?"

"I stayed to watch over you.  I didn't sleep at all.  Once you started snoring, I knew you were out of the clear and went home."

"What time was that?"

"Around seven."  There was a lull in the conversation before he spoke again.  "Is there anything else you want to know?  If not, I would like to get some sleep."

"Yeah, When you going to let me drive your R8?"

"Out of the whole night, the only thing you remember is my car?"

"You know that's my dream car right?"

"Text me later Gemma."

"Bye Aaron."

As soon as I hung up, Shelly comes stumbling out of my room, pointing a finger at me and then lands on the floor holding her stomach.  "You.  YOU. bit.  him." She manages to get out between breaths.  "Fuck you Shelly I was fucked up okay?"  I get up to stand over her, hands on my hips.  "This would have never happened if you would have just stayed with me for a few rounds."

Shelly picks herself up off the floor and wipes the tears from her eyes.  Her breathing starts to calm, but is not near enough to get out a steady sentence.  "I'm sorry Gemma."  We both head back to the couch and I sigh.  I take a sip of coffee and so does she.  "Now that you know all about my night, how did yours go?"

"Great.  Jeremy has been the best so far.  Good looking, hung, and he cooked me breakfast in bed.  I think he is a keeper."

"He was pretty hunky when I saw him last night.  You going to see him again?"

"Maybe, I haven't decided yet."

That was the thing about Shelly, she really didn't do relationships.  They guy had to be one hell of a catch and be hung like a horse for her to keep for more than a few rides.  I hoped this one made it.  Then I could have my bar going friend back, Instead of the club going, ditching friend she was now.

"Get out of my house, I'm going back to bed."  I pushed her playfully and set my coffee cup on the table.  I walked back to bed, closed the door behind me, tossed my phone on my pillow and laid down.  I know Shelly wasn't leaving.  She had no food at her house and I had Netflix. 

I really wanted to go back to sleep, but the coffee was keeping me right there, just out of reach.  I pulled my phone out and text Aaron.  "Send me a pic of the bite mark, I don't believe you."

Not even a minute later, I got a pic of his neck, bite mark included.  He had dirty blonde hair and his head lay against a black pillow case.  Under the pic he had wrote  "I don't believe you."

"I am really sorry.  I can make it up to you.  promise."

"You already did, last night." what the fuck did I do now.


"Wouldn't you like to know."  Fucking asshole!  I would love to know, that's why I asked.

"Tell me please.  And why do I have a burn mark on my leg?"

"You begged me for a smoke then fell, pulling me down with you.  Then you accused me of making you fall and stole my cig."  I smiled, that sounds like drunk me alright.

"I know you won't tell me now, but I will figure it out."

I set my phone back down and closed my eyes.

If any of you read my stories together, then you know that my update days are changing to Friday and Tuesdays.  Also, I'm rewriting the ending.  It will still be the same, just with more.  Apparently I suck at ending books and tend to summarize just to be done.  What can I say, I hate good byes. 

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