3. Mr. Sandman

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A few days had gone by, without anything popping up as strange.  I got home Monday night and threw my keys down, and walked to the fridge.  I hadn't made it to the door and I was starting to feel warm.  I wiped my forehead and felt sweat start to glisten.  My brows furrowed and I made her way to the thermostat.  87 degrees.  It was 87 degrees in my apartment.  It might has well been a sauna.  I picked up my phone and called the after hours maintenance and had to leave a voice mail.

This was just great.  Those lazy asses probably wouldn't come tonight.  I threw off my clothes leaving a pair of boy cut panties and camisole on.  I walked to the window and opened the one in my room.  It was slightly hotter outside, but the breeze would help cool me off.  I made rounds to all the window's opening them before collapsing on the couch.  "Where is my guardian angel now to save me from this heat" I mumbled while flipping through the channels.

My stomach growled.  It was too hot to cook.  It was almost too hot to eat.  Bahaha it was never too hot to eat, but a pop sickle would go so hard right now.  I got up and dug around in my freezer and found the frozen strawberry fruit kind I occasionally bought.      MMM best dinner ever.  If I didn't have to work tomorrow I would be having margaritas for dinner in this heat.  I finished up my cold goodness and laid the stick on the coffee table.  My beautiful leather couch was sticking to my legs making me uncomfortable.  It was still a little early to go to bed, but at this rate I would pass out anyway from heat exhaustion. 

I threw away the remnants of my meal and threw myself on top of the blankets in bed.  There was one sure fire way to escape my predicament, and that was to pass out.  I spread her body out over the bed trying to get comfortable.  After tossing around I forced myself still and closed my eyes.  The heat helped lull me to dream land.

She was in the dark, blurs of movement catching her eyes from the side.  She kept silent and began to walk forward. Fire lit the ground and moved up forming lines.  Her eyes followed the licking flames up to the sky, where it branched out and covered the darkness.  It almost resembled trees, She looked back around her and continued to walk.  More fire trees grew from the ground and now she was in a fire woods.  Sweat crept down her spine and she started to run.  It was too hot.  The heat scorched her breath drying out her throat and she heaved with breaths.  Water.  She needed water.  The flames grew thicker and was reaching for her as she ran through the woods.  She heard a noise behind her, like the fire was growling at her and she whipped her head to see what it was.  She bumped into a fire tree in front of her and her arm singed.  Pain blistered up her arm and she whimpered, falling to the ground. 

A strong wind blew over her, blowing cool air and moving the fire trees away.  She sat on the ground holding her arm below the burn, watching the scenery change.  A cool sensation ran up the outside of her leg.  It stopped below the hem of her shorts.  She closed her eyes welcoming the relief her skin felt.  It grew, capturing more skin and now on both legs.  It crept up from her ankles and slowly made its way up the back of her legs, just stopping short of her butt.  She let out a soft moan.  She laid back on the ground and peered up to the heavens.  She dug her fingers into the cool dirt below her.  Her arm had completely stopped hurting and it felt like she had never been hurt to begin with.  She rolled over, smothering her front into the dirt, and spread her arms out away from her body.  The cooling sensation started again, working side to side over her stomach, zig zaging in a slow movement, raising inches higher with every pass.

She moaned louder this time, "magical dirt."  She inhaled deeply, completely relaxed.  It didn't smell like earth, it had an expensive cologne smell and intoxicated her.  She pulled herself up to look at the ground, but her arms sank in like there was nothing below her.  There was no time to struggle as the ground enveloped her whole.  The cooling sensation was gone, and now she felt smothered.  The smell of the earth faded and she entered into blackness once more.

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