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294 15 5

In the eerie void, a shadow in the form of a raven hovers gracefully in silence. Out of the gloom, a tiny light appears. A blue butterfly, glowing ethereally and fluttering delicately towards the shadow.

"So this is it, this is for all the marbles?" A female voice spoke as the two entities circled each other.

"Yes, whoever wins this time will be declared the victor. If you win I will stand down and allow you to dictate how I should do my job." A male voice replied causally before its tone turned sinister. "but if I win..."

"Then I shall let you do whatever you want." The woman continued.

The male chuckled darkly, "Oh I can't wait to see their faces twisted up in delicious pain."

"But I would like to lay down some ground rules..." the woman suddenly stated in a firm.

"Pah, rules... there's always got to be rules."

"In this case yes, after all, I need to stop you from just outright killing them before their story even begins."

"Fine... how about this, we aren't allowed to interfere directly. You can only guide them or assist them in small ways. As for me, I promise that I won't make them spontaneously explode. Just make them go through some challenges that may or may not kill them." The man stated, muttering the last part.

"Deal," the woman responded with a sigh.

The man chuckled once more, "I can't wait to see how their story unfolds this time."

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