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A boy named Jake is nearing the end of his term at university. Even though he was pleased, an intern was now needed. Along with his pal Ni-ki, he was required to work at a profitable corporation.

He led a typical life and came from a decent background family. As the only child in the family, he was raised in a caring home.

In the home they both rented, Ni-ki and Jake shared a room. Being in that house by themselves with no other people made it enjoyable.

At precisely midnight, Ni-ki was fixated on the paper he held in his hands, and Jake had just emerged from the kitchen, sipping on a bottle of chilled water. He saw Ni-ki looking at the page, standing there motionless.

His brows knitted as he turned to face the taller man. "So, what position did you get?" Jake enquired while positioned next to Ni-ki and encircled the larger man with his arm.

With a sigh, Ni-ki folded the paper. "I have to serve the customers." Jake laughed aloud and choked on his water after the taller male told him the statement.

He gave Ni-ki a comforting stroke on the back, his face beaming with happiness. "It's absurd. I'm shocked you were admitted even after acting like such an idiot throughout that interview." Ni-ki gave Jake a frown, and Jake swallowed his laughter.

"I mean, if the interviewer was the Ceo, you'll definitely not be accepted." Ni-ki rolled his eyes and picked up another envelope from the table while Jake continued to slander him.

"Yours." Jake accepted the envelope from Ni-ki, then set the water bottle down. After Ni-ki gave the bottle a quick glance, he grabbed and chugged it as if he was dehydrated for years.

Jake wasn't bothered. He removed the paper from the envelope after opening it. He opened it and began to read the paper. After reading, he groaned with his lips pursed. He was quite disappointed of the position he had gotten.

"What? What did you get?" Ni-ki curiosity piqued when he saw the reaction Jake displayed. He asked as Jake moistened his lips and put down the paper.

"Designer." Jake answered, and Ni-ki's eyes widened. He was really impressed that his friend had landed the key role in the company.

"That's favorable then. You are, after all, a talented designer. You'll succeed." Ni-ki grinned and gave Jake a pat on the shoulders. With his fingers stroking his fluffy black hair, Jake nibbled the inside of his bottom lip.

"I hope so.."


"Where the hell do we go?"

The question, to which even Jake didn't know the answer, made their jaws drop to the floor when they both got out of the cab in front of the company where they would be working for three months.

They were shocked by the enormity of the company and speculated that the CEO must have been incredibly wealthy. The CEO personally possessed several malls containing numerous high-end stores, which naturally contributed to his wealth.

"W-wait, hold on. Who is our CEO again?" Jake cleared his throat and, along with Ni-ki, pulled out the letter he had received yesterday. The taller male took a peek as they both gazed at the bottom of the paper, where a signature with a name was visible.

"Lee Heeseung." Jake mumbled in surprise as he saw his eyes widening at the same time as Ni-ki's. Gradually, Jake slowly brought down his hand and turned towards Ni-ki in a state of shock.

Both of them were in shock as they locked eyes and came to the realization.

"Wait so the Lee Mall.. belongs to our Ceo..?" Ni-ki asked for confirmation, while Jake hastily wet his lips in disbelief.

mr. ceo > EN- || HEEJAKE [✓]Where stories live. Discover now