chapter 17 - complicated relationship

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Heeseung smiled while his eyes roamed over each sketch that Jake had drawn. The previous day, the ill man had handed him a folder filled with logos and designs he had created.

Additionally, Jake requested that the male with purple hair add any necessary additions to the sketches, as he personally felt that something was lacking.

He found himself thoroughly enjoying it, relishing the act of writing comments on the paper's corner with his red pen.

Out of nowhere, the sound of his phone's alarm clock reverberated in his office, instantly grabbing his attention. It disrupted his brief daydream as he swiftly grabbed the phone and silenced the alarm.

With a sigh, he began tidying up his belongings, carefully stowing away the papers and pen. He donned his blazer and grabbed both his phone and wallet.

In a hurry, he walked out of his office, catching his secretary's attention as she was focused on the counter. She blinked in confusion while Heeseung happily entered the elevator and closed the door.

However, she immediately dismissed it upon reaching a conclusion.

'He was meeting up with Jake.'


All the mothers were shocked when they saw a man, appearing to be in his twenties, with purple hair and wearing a suit, stepping out of a luxurious car in front of the daycare.

Their jaws dropped slightly as they quickly glanced at one another and began gossiping in their group chat, which consisted entirely of mothers.

"When will Ian be leaving?" Heeseung inquired, crossing his arms and leaning against his car, while the bodyguard cleared his throat.

"Sir, in approximately five minutes, he will be released from the daycare," the bodyguard informed, to which Heeseung responded with a hum and a nod.

The bodyguard was shocked and confused about Heeseung's decision to personally pick up Ian today, as he usually relied on his butlers or bodyguards to do so from the daycare.

Heeseung sighed and surveyed the daycare, patiently waiting for Ian. "Does Ian enjoy being here?" he inquired, noticing the bodyguard's rapid blinking.

"Certainly, sir. He has formed numerous friendships and they have greatly assisted him with his drawings and counting for his homework," the bodyguard shared, prompting Heeseung to turn his head towards the bodyguard and blink.

There was a moment of silence before Heeseung responded by muttering, "Is that really the case?" He then pushed himself off the car. The bodyguard acknowledged with a nod and turned his gaze towards the daycare building.

Heeseung swallowed hard and let out a sigh. "I suppose I was too preoccupied with my work to hear about Ian's day at daycare," he murmured to himself, plagued by guilt. The bodyguard happened to overhear the CEO's words, causing a slight smile to cross his face.

After a few minutes, the daycare door opened, and the teacher walked out with the kids following closely behind her. All of them wore big smiles on their faces as they said goodbye to one another.

Heeseung's face brightened up as he eagerly scanned the area to locate his son. However, his expression changed when Ian emerged from the daycare building with an inscrutable look on his face. It was only when his eyes met a familiar face that his expression transformed.

As he gasped, his smile immediately widened. "Papa!" he exclaimed, which caught the attention of some people as he ran towards his father's arms.

Heeseung smiled and crouched down, opening his arms wide to welcome his son's embrace. As the man with purple hair lifted the little boy off the ground, Ian hugged him tightly.

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