chapter 6 - he wants him so bad

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a/n: this chapter is long (3633 words), so, enjoy!


Heeseung opened the office door with such confidence and his secretary followed him. "How much do you want to give me back Sim Jaeyun?" - he asked immediately, without wasting a second.

The man, who had slicked back black hair, chuckled and rose from his office chair. "You haven't changed at all, Lee Heeseung. I can see that you didn't even bother to greet me properly," he said. Heeseung remained standing with his arms crossed, while the man walked towards the sofa.

The man named Seonmin chuckled as he settled onto the sofa, with one leg resting on top of the other, gesturing for Heeseung to sit in front of him. "Please have a seat first, Heeseung. We can chat and enjoy some tea together." Seonmin smirked and shrugged at the male with purple hair.

Heeseung gazed at him and then let out a sigh. "I simply do not have the time to sit down and have cups of tea with you, Seonmin," he said in a tone filled with malice, causing a chilling sensation down anyone's spine.

"Yet you still have the time to come here for a mere ordinary employee yourself. Owing to the fact that you usually send Iseul over for meetings." Seonmin, with a cup of tea in hand, expressed as he took a moment to savor a sip from the warm beverage.

He nodded and put down the cup, expressing satisfaction with the taste of the tea. "Shall we relax? We both have ample time to spend together," he suggested to Heeseung, gesturing for him to take a seat in front of him. This action caused the purple-haired male to release a sigh.

Shortly after, Heeseung surrendered and settled himself on the couch. Standing next to him, his secretary tightly held onto the bag he had brought with him.

Seonmin's face bore a huge smirk as he raised his eyebrows. "See? It's not so challenging, is it?" He chuckled and signaled the staff to pour tea into Heeseung's cup.

Ignoring the statement, Heeseung proceeded directly to the point. "I will be selecting one of your interns, Sim Jaeyun," he announced, causing Seonmin to furrow his brows and tilt his head.

"Interns?" Seonmin hummed as he touched his chin. "I don't know the students who came here for internships, but Sim Jaeyun? Does he actually attend my company? I've never heard his name before." Seonmin glanced at his secretary, signaling for him to collect the files.

Following that, the secretary handed him the files, which he promptly opened and began searching for Sim Jaeyun. However, he paused momentarily and lifted his gaze to meet Heeseung's eyes.

Heeseung's eyebrows were slightly furrowed in confusion, while Seonmin had a slight smirk on his lips. "If he is only an intern, you can easily take him back, however..." Seonmin closed the files and placed them on the seat beside him.

"The way you came here, personally to have a private meeting with me just to get this Sim Jaeyun kid back is suspicious." Upon hearing Seonmin's statement, Heeseung couldn't help but roll his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, fully aware that this was bound to happen.

Seonmin smirked and glanced at one of his employees. "Bring Sim Jaeyun to me. I want to meet him in person. I am curious to see what kind of person he is for Lee Heeseung himself to come here solely to retrieve him for his company," he commanded, as the staff member nodded in acknowledgement.

Heeseung expressed his annoyance by clicking his tongue and swiftly snatching the bag from his secretary's hands. He then proceeded to delicately position the bag on the surface of the table, while fixing a stern gaze upon Seonmin. "That's none of your concern, is it? Just give him back to me. How much do you want?"

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