chapter 13 - saved?

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a/n: trigger warning, this chapter contains mentions of blood and fighting.


"I'll go now, Jaeyun. Take care!"

Another employee said goodbye to Jake, leaving him alone in the office. He smiled and waved at the worker as they departed from the office.

After the door closed, Jake sighed and turned back to his computer. At that moment, he set aside his sketches and began working on the reports that were supposed to be submitted the following day.

He was alone in the office, but he didn't mind. He was working overtime today. The lunch he had earlier with Iseul had energized him, so this overtime will pass quickly.

However, the office was incredibly quiet. Naturally, he had a fear of ghosts and all things scary, so he decided to open his phone and browse his Spotify playlist in order to play a song and alleviate the eerie ambiance within the office.

He selected the song, "2 soon" by keshi, and turned up the volume before continuing to write the reports, enjoying the song's vibe.

After a few minutes, Jake noticed that rain was starting to pour heavily outside the company. Looking up, he sighed, realizing that he would have to wait until the rain stopped pouring in order to walk to the bus stop and return home.

As the rain poured heavily outside the company, Heeseung was busy working in his office. Despite the rain, he didn't mind because he enjoyed it. In contrast to Jake's office, Heeseung's workplace was peaceful, while Jake was playing loud music.

Hours flew by for the two individuals, as they were engrossed in their work. Time seemed to pass quickly, but despite the lateness, the rain continued to pour outside.

Jake stretched his body and emitted a few groans before rising from the chair and making his way towards the large window, which provided a view of the surroundings outside the company. A sigh escaped him as he observed the seemingly endless rain.

Nevertheless, he made the decision to take a chance and head home instead, as it was becoming late and his overtime shift had already concluded a few minutes earlier. He swiftly retrieved his coat from his chair and proceeded to shut down all the equipment in the office.

Heeseung let out a sigh while running his hand through his hair. He knew for sure that he would be working late once again today, probably until two or three in the morning, as he had a heavy workload and wanted to complete it as soon as possible.

That was until his phone began to vibrate, indicating an incoming call. He took a deep breath and picked up his phone from the table. Glancing at the caller ID, he noticed it was one of his bodyguards contacting him.

He was puzzled, his eyebrows creasing in confusion, as he raised his hand to answer the incoming call. Placing the phone against his ear, he spoke with a stern and weary tone, "What's the matter?"

The bodyguard's voice trembled with nerves as he said, "Master, we apologize.." This caused Heeseung to furrow his brows even deeper and straighten his posture in the office chair.

"I don't understand. What are you apologizing for?" Heeseung's patience began to wane, his anticipation mounting for the bodyguard's response.

The bodyguard took a deep shaky breath before answering;

"Young master Ian has gone missing."


wonie my gang 😼‼️

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