chapter 25 - more than cuddles? (♨️)

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tw: some steamy scenes.
a/n: i was listening to 'love talk' by wayv for the last part, so enjoy bc i def had fun while writing it 🤭


Jake lied. He wasn't hanging out with his friends or anything like that; instead, he was alone. He hailed an Uber and was currently en route to the mall. However, it wasn't just any mall - it was the mall owned by the Lee Company, specifically owned by Heeseung.

He had previously visited this place with Heeseung, but during that visit, the mall was exclusively closed for Jake to shop without any interruptions from others. It felt like their own intimate outing.

Only the official managers and security personnel were present in each store at that time. Only they knew who Jake was from the moment Heeseung introduced him to them.

The Uber finally arrived in front of the mall, which immediately interrupted Jake's moment of admiring the raindrops cascading down the car window. He promptly paid the Uber fare and exited the vehicle, remaining in front of the mall while the Uber drove off.

Jake smiled while he slid his hands into his jacket pockets, stepping into the mall. As soon as he crossed the mall's threshold, his skin was immediately greeted by the chilly breeze, sending a shiver down his spine.

Sighing, he walked inside and looked at each store, searching for something to purchase for Heeseung. Jake intended to buy a surprise gift for Heeseung because his birthday was approaching rapidly. Nervously, he licked his lips upon entering one of the stores.

The store contained a wide array of men's clothing and accessories. As he approached the section with suit ties, his hands remained tucked inside his jacket. He slightly stooped down and selected one of the ties, thinking to himself, "This appears to be a good choice." He then proceeded to examine the price.

He was surprised and his jaw dropped slightly. He couldn't believe that such a small tie could cost so much. He quickly set it down and began searching for another tie to purchase.

The worker noticed him and walked over to him. "Is there anything that caught your attention, sir?" She asked with a smile, causing Jake to quickly turn his head towards her.

"Oh um." He smiled and hesitated while looking around the store. "Do you have any additional ties aside from these?" he asked, pointing at the ties he had just examined.

The worker nodded and said, "Yes, we have them. Please, come with me." She motioned for Jake to follow as she turned around and proceeded towards another table, which was filled with various vibrant ties.

Jake expressed his gratitude to her while examining the assortment of ties, observing each one. Eventually, he stumbled upon the ideal choice for his boyfriend. The tie he found was black in color, adorned with a few silver beads along the stripes. It possessed a simplistic charm, yet exuded a captivating beauty.

He smiled while checking the price, and he was pleasantly surprised to discover it was affordable. He nodded and glanced at the worker. However, just as he was about to inform her of his decision, a familiar voice echoed through the store, instantly transforming his expression into a bitter one. He swiftly turned around to see the woman who had previously slapped him.

However, the woman was currently adorned in a black fur coat that complemented her white, form-fitting, and revealing dress.

Not only that, something she said caused Jake's eyes to twitch in irritation. "Miss Lee is here. I need a gift for my boyfriend since his birthday is approaching. I prefer something expensive," she loudly exclaimed in the store, leading the worker who was waiting for Jake to immediately redirect all her focus towards the woman.

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