chapter 19 - surprise

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Heeseung expressed his frustration by clicking his tongue when he found it difficult to focus on his work. Subsequently, he ran his hand through his hair and leaned back against the office chair.

He was flustered about what had occurred the previous night, as he remembered it vividly. He had gone to the hospital to pay a visit to Jake, bringing along a bouquet of flowers. However, he ended up becoming exhausted and unintentionally fell asleep on the same bed as Jake.

Not only that, he displayed great courage last night by resting his head on Jake's lap. Though he felt embarrassed, he enjoyed the sensation of sleeping on Jake's lap, accompanied by the soothing touch of Jake's hands running through his hair and the sound of Jake softly humming a lullaby.

He desired to have that experience once more.

He was on the verge of falling asleep when Jake brought up his exhausting day. He remained silent, pretending to be asleep. However, when Jake giggled and leaned in to give him a kiss on the forehead, it caused his heart to race uncontrollably.

His heart thumped vigorously, and his entire body felt warm as Jake continued to run his hand through his hair.

When Heeseung woke up, Jake was turned in the opposite direction, but Heeseung was the one embracing him around the waist.

Oh, Heeseung was really down bad for Jake now.

"Fuck." Heeseung swore as his head fell backward, gradually closing his eyes. He sighed, rising from his seat. He proceeded to the shelves, grabbing a cup and activating the water dispenser by pressing the button.

As he released the button, the water quickly filled the cup and he began drinking it, offering him hope that it would soothe his mind from constantly thinking about Jake throughout the day.


"Didn't we just buy our wedding clothes yesterday? Where the hell are we going now?"

Jungwon scoffed upon realizing that he was once again in the same car as Jay, just like yesterday. Jay simply chuckled, finding amusement in Jungwon's behavior.

Jungwon was irritated by Jay, while Jay found Jungwon endearing. It was an adorable dynamic.

"A wedding wouldn't be proper without rings, you silly." Jay playfully squeezed Jungwon's cheeks with one hand while driving the car with the other. Jungwon scoffed and moved away from the cheek pinch.

Jay chuckled and returned his focus to driving the car. He asked, "After we purchase our rings, we will be exploring some venues to reserve. Where would you like to go?" This question left Jungwon confused, causing him to blink in confusion.

Jungwon questioned, "Why do we need to reserve a place? Isn't that unnecessary?" Jay found this statement amusing and let out a laugh, displaying disbelief mixed with a hint of amusement.

He quickly glanced at Jungwon and smirked, remarking, "Oh, it seems that you are aware of what is essential and what is not, given your gold-digging tendencies." Jungwon stared at him in disbelief, rolling his eyes and releasing a frustrated sigh.

"Regardless," Jay continued, "we need to make arrangements for our honeymoon, you idiot." This comment caused Jungwon's cheeks to flush slightly as he thought about the upcoming romantic trip.

Jungwon cleared his throat and hesitantly questioned, "Why would we go on a honeymoon if we don't even love each other?" As his eyes shifted towards the car window, he focused on the scenery outside instead of making eye contact with Jay.

Jay remained silent as the smile on his face diminished. Unexpectedly, the traffic light turned red, prompting Jay to swiftly apply the brake pedal, resulting in both of them experiencing a slight bounce in their seats.

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