chapter 7 - that little force

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Initially, Jake and everyone, including the readers (maybe), believed that 'a little force' meant a passionate force, correct? However, in actuality, it was much worse for unfortunate Jake.

"This is literally kidnapping, you psycho!" Jake screamed out of frustration while Heeseung calmly read a book in front of him. Presently, Jake, Heeseung, and the secretary were seated inside a limousine, en route to their destination.

Jake was furious when the male with purple hair completely disregarded his screams, as though he were invisible. Heeseung appeared friendly and extremely attractive earlier in Seonmin's office, but as soon as they left, he promptly ordered the guards to bind Jake's wrists and blindfold him.

This only further contributed to his decision to never return to this company. The CEO was extremely crazy! He was a complete psychopath. Going to such lengths just to have his logo design finished was insane!

"Oh my god, I knew something was off the moment Yeji told me she never saw you or anyone at all." Jake sighed, recalling that he had a strange feeling upon his arrival at the company just yesterday.

Now he was being kidnapped. This is a great example of why you should always trust your instincts, children.

Heeseung became attentive when Jake mentioned the name 'Yeji', causing him to put his book away and raise his head to find Jake looking down.

"Yeji as in Hwang Yeji?" Heeseung asked, which made Jake let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Oh now you fucking hear me?" Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Heeseung remained silent while staring at Jake, examining him thoroughly. This made Jake furrow his eyebrows and feel extremely uncomfortable with the intense gaze.

"So, after I put in all the effort to design your idiotic company logo, are you planning on selling my limbs and organs?" Jake sarcastically quipped, frustration evident in his tone as he clicked his tongue in irritation. The tightness of the rope around his wrists was starting to cause discomfort, adding to his growing sense of distress.

Heeseung's lips curled slightly into a grin as he leisurely reopened his book and casually flipped through its contents. "Well, if that's what you desire, I guess I could oblige," he nonchalantly shrugged, causing Jake to stare at him in utter disbelief.

Jake's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Heeseung, unsure if he was being serious or not with the statement he had just made. He couldn't determine if the CEO with purple hair was merely joking, given his expression.

His face, which is attractive- WAIT NO. His face, which is unreadable.

Heeseung raised his gaze, catching sight of Jake's tense posture. Amused by the male's reaction, he couldn't help but chuckle softly. Meeting Jake's gaze, Heeseung playfully questioned him, "Oh, are you scared now? Well, considering you labelled me as a psychopath, I might as well fulfill that expectation." With a nonchalant demeanor, the young man with striking purple hair propped his chin on his palm, his elbow casually resting on his knee.

Jake looked away and cleared his throat, disregarding his comments. He remained silent while Heeseung sighed and returned to his reading.

In just a few minutes, the car came to a stop simultaneously with Heeseung closing his book. Jake attempted to peer out of the car window, but his view was obstructed by the curtains, causing him to pout in disappointment.

Heeseung glanced at Jake before instructing the bodyguard to untie the rope that bound his wrists. Despite the shock evident in Jake's expression, he complied and allowed the bodyguard to release him from his restraints.

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