chapter 14 - warning

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"How are you feeling, my love?" Sunghoon inquired Sunoo who was lying on the hospital bed, legs were bandaged due to severe injuries. Consequently, the individual had to rely on a wheelchair until the wounds healed.

Sunoo chuckled while gently caressing Sunghoon's cheek, expressing his affection. "I'm fine now. I feel much better," he said with a reassuring smile. Sunghoon sighed and pursed his lips in response.

In truth, Sunghoon was furious upon discovering the fate of Sunoo and Ian. He couldn't solely blame the bodyguards as they too had disappeared.

He swore that whoever did this to Sunoo and Ian would pay twice as much. He would make them beg for their lives.

However, he was not the sole individual experiencing such emotions. His friends, Jay and Heeseung, also felt the same.

Although they all arrived a little late, fortunately, they were able to determine their location using Ian's watch. Ian's watch was equipped with a tracker provided by Heeseung, ensuring that if Ian ever went missing, Heeseung would always know where to locate him. However, unfortunately, the watch was discarded in some different alleyways.

They were able to find them regardless, but upon their arrival, they were greeted with the sight of Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Ian lying unconscious on the wet floor, with numerous bodies surrounding them. However, they noticed that some figures were vanishing from their view.

In other words, they had already fled before the trio had a chance to capture them.

Ni-ki stood in front of the hospital, with his hands tucked into his pockets, gazing at the building before him.

"I can't believe those two idiots made me walk all the way to this damn hospital, despite my high ass fever," he grumbled, clicking his tongue. Half of his face was covered by a mask, and his eyes appeared swollen and red due to his illness as he entered the hospital.

As he walked towards the counter, he noticed Iseul entering the elevator. His eyes widened, prompting him to swiftly approach the elevator. Just as the elevator was about to close, Ni-ki forcefully halted it, causing it to open.

Iseul's eyes grew wide upon seeing Ni-ki, who had his mask covering half of his face, his eyes partially closed, and his hair in disarray. Worriedly, she asked, "Ni-ki, what are you doing here?"

The male, who had just entered the elevator, explained, "I was called here by the hospital, but I saw you. That means you must be involved in this situation." As Iseul closed the elevator door and pressed a button, she tried to make sense of the chaotic situation.

"O-Oh, so you came here for Jaeyun and the other boy?" Iseul asked.

"Yeah. I'm literally sick as fuck and these two idiots decided to cause a fucking mess." He cursed, clearly indicating his bad mood. Not only was he bothered by the fever, but now he had another problem to deal with.

Iseul remained silent as the elevator began to ascend. "Do you know the rooms they are staying in?" Ni-ki inquired, his voice sounding hoarse because of his sore throat from being ill.

Iseul hummed before answering, "Yeah. It was just beside Sunoo and Ian's rooms."

"Ah shit, so they both were included in the fight too?" Ni-ki let out a groan and frustratingly ruffled his hair.

Iseul remained silent and gazed ahead. She felt somewhat suspicious about Ni-ki's words, yet she opted to stay silent.

Upon the door opening, they immediately exited the elevator only to find numerous bodyguards securing the entire floor.

Ni-ki glanced around, his eyes half-lidded, and his hands were tucked into his pants as he followed Iseul slowly. However, his progress came to a halt when a guard blocked his path with his massive arm, preventing him from proceeding.

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