chapter 20 - unwrapping the truth

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"Alright, everyone is dismissed. The meeting has ended."

As the workers started to arrange their belongings, Heeseung made a declaration. After this announcement, everyone stood up from their chairs and respectfully bowed to Heeseung before leaving the room. As a result, only Heeseung and Iseul were left in the room.

While Iseul was busy organizing her belongings, she caught a glimpse of Heeseung standing up and putting on his blazer from the corner of her eye. A hint of curiosity appeared on her face, causing her eyebrows to slightly arch, but she decided to continue arranging her papers in the folder.

Heeseung then grabbed his phone and car keys, which immediately grabbed Iseul's attention. "Where are you headed?" She asked, causing Heeseung to abruptly stop walking towards the room's exit.

Before she continued speaking, there was a moment of silence. She asked, "Are you... visiting Sim Jaeyun once again?" Hearing this question, Heeseung took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

Heeseung hummed and nodded, responding to Iseul's statement. Iseul looked at Heeseung's retreating figure as he walked towards the door. She narrowed her eyes then let out a heavy sigh and decided to speak her thoughts.

Just as Heeseung was about to open the door, Iseul stopped him with her words. "I can tell that you have realized this by now," she confidently stated, causing Heeseung to freeze with his hand on the doorknob. The tension in the room was noticeable as Heeseung clenched his teeth and took a shaky breath, clearly struggling with his emotions.

"That, he's Sim Jaeyun." Iseul paused and turned her office chair to face Heeseung's back. Then, Heeseung's hand slowly dropped from the doorknob and returned to his side. "And not Sim Jiyeon," she remarked, causing Heeseung to catch his breath upon hearing the name 'Sim Jiyeon'.

The siblings in the room were being engulfed by silence, with only the sounds of the air conditioner and the echoing sounds of high heels in the hallway being heard.

Heeseung expressed his frustration by clicking his tongue and clenching his fists. "Yes, I am fully aware of that." Afterward, he angrily left the meeting room, leaving Iseul feeling exasperated.


Heeseung strolled down the hospital hallway, wearing a slight smile on his face, fully aware that his purpose was to collect Jake from the hospital and transport him back home.

He came to a halt in front of the room and coughed to clear his throat. He tidied both his hair and tie before unlocking the room with a subtle smirk, only to find an unoccupied and immaculate space.

Heeseung's eyes grew wider as he cautiously stepped into the room, searching for Jake. "Jaeyun...?" he whispered, then shut the door and proceeded to explore the room.

He walked to the bed in search of a note left by Jake, but there was none to be found. Frustrated, he clicked his tongue and glanced around the room before making his way to the bathroom. Pushing the door open, he found it empty.

He had now begun to panic.

He hurriedly exited the room and sprinted down the hallway, causing the nurses to look at him in bewilderment. Reaching the counter, he forcefully slammed his hand on it, instilling fear in the nurses stationed there.

Heeseung gasped as he pointed to the hallway he had just come from. “Do you...perhaps know where Patient Sim Jaeyun went?” He asked between panting.

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