chapter 23 - who are they, really?

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Jungwon sighed while twiddling with the hems of his clothes. "I will be getting married in the coming month," he mentioned once more, causing Jake to sink into the chair, unable to believe what he had just heard.

After reading the messages from his friends in the group chat, Jake felt remorseful, so he decided to give them another opportunity. Jungwon instructed him to meet at the café he had mentioned, and now both of them were present, except for Ni-ki, who had to go to work, despite the fact that he was literally employed by the Sim family.

Jake thought that perhaps Ni-ki enjoyed being a model.

Now, returning to this unexpected news, Jake experienced a sense of betrayal for the second time. "So, you didn't inform me, but you informed Ni-ki instead...?" he questioned, feeling a gradual surge of anger.

Jungwon fiddled with the ends of his sleeves in an awkward manner while looking away from Jake's intense gaze. "Um, you haven't learned about your family's truth yet," he began, but before he could finish his sentence, Jake interrupted, saying, "Don't even bring it up. I'm tired of it." This caused Jungwon to immediately close his mouth.

Jake let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "But with whom?" he inquired, gazing at Jungwon who blushed instantaneously. Perplexed, Jake furrowed his brow and blinked.

Jungwon cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly at Jake, mentioning, "His name is Park Jongseong, also known as Jay. He is my CEO at the PRK company." This caused Jake's jaw to drop to the floor.

Jake closed his mouth, pursed his lips, and took a deep breath while running his hand through his hair. "Honestly," he said, his voice trailing off as he placed his elbows on the table, "I've never really known him before, so I couldn't really judge him." Jake rolled his eyes, and Jungwon chuckled slightly in response to the statement.

Jungwon's laughter quickly subsided as he leaned in to sip his drink while nodding. "You're correct," he remarked before taking a sip of his drink.

Jake gazed at Jungwon for some time, considering it the right moment to disclose his relationship with Heeseung. He also intended to inform his parents on the same day, but he felt the need to share the news with his friends as well.

Jake took a deep breath and spoke up, saying, "Jungwon." His call caused the cat-eyed male to snap his head up and meet Jake's gaze. "Yes?" Jungwon replied, as he turned off his phone and set it aside.

"I'm in a relationship now."

Jungwon blinked.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm in a fucking relationship with Lee Heeseung, the damn CEO whom my mother hates so much." Jake rapidly spoke the words while Jungwon looked at him in astonishment, with his eyes widening as soon as Jake completed his statement.



Jake felt a gulp rise in his throat while he nervously played with the cuffs of his sleeves, fixated on the immensely grand mansion before him. It resembled a formidable castle, complete with a pathway adorned with a water fountain and flower-filled bushes. The front of the mansion boasted balconies accompanied by spiral staircases that ascended to the second floor, all painted in a pristine white hue.

Maids or butlers could also be seen walking around, diligently working to clean the mansion's premises.

Jake saw that the uber had driven away, which made him release a shaky breath. With nerves, he gazed at the enormous white gate in front of him and nervously licked his lips. He proceeded to approach the side of the gate while taking a deep breath.

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