chapter 22 - basorexia

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Jake gazed at the mansion before him with a sense of wonder. Its immense size and the presence of yellow lights hanging added to its overall aesthetic appeal. The trees were meticulously trimmed and the flowers were beautifully blossomed. Every detail appeared flawlessly ideal.

He averted his gaze from the mansion as he heard the car door close behind him. He blinked, then looked back to find Heeseung approaching with Jake's luggage, wearing a smile as he walked and stood next to Jake.

As they locked eyes, Jake's lips gradually curled up into a smile. "This will be your new home," Heeseung commented, causing Jake to slightly pucker his lips.

Jake gulped and turned his entire body towards Heeseung. He firmly grasped Heeseung's hands and gently squeezed them. "However, what would happen if my parents discovered that I lived with you? They would harm you, Heeseung," he asked, filled with concern.

Heeseung's smile grew wider, and he emitted a small chuckle. "You don't need to worry about me. I can handle it," he reassured. He raised his hand and tenderly touched Jake's cheek. "Even if my life is at risk, you are my top concern," he softly whispered, beaming and gazing into Jake's eyes.

Jake's lips curled up and he stifled a chuckle in response to Heeseung's statement. Heeseung simply smiled and watched as the male before him held onto his hand, which was resting on his cheek.

"Me too." Jake remarked. The two men gazed affectionately at one another in front of the grand mansion, gradually moving closer for a kiss. Nevertheless, right before Heeseung could bridge the gap between their lips, Jake promptly placed his index finger on Heeseung's mouth, softly pushing him aside.

Heeseung's eyes widened slightly in shock while Jake chuckled. "Why don't we go inside first?" he suggested, causing Heeseung to pout. "Alright then," Heeseung replied, dragging the luggage once more.

As they held hands, they both walked towards the mansion's entrance at a leisurely pace. Upon opening the door, Heeseung unveiled an interior design characterized by a black matte color scheme. Jake was taken aback, his jaw slightly dropping, as he observed that everything inside was adorned in shades of black matte, white, and dark brown.

While pulling the luggage, Heeseung noticed Jake's expression in the corner of his eye, causing him to chuckle. He then leaned forward and surprised Jake by planting a kiss on his cheek.

Jake blushed and jerked back in surprise when he saw Heeseung. He looked at him, feeling quite surprised. "W-Why did you do that?" he stammered, while Heeseung just laughed and playfully pinched his cheek.

"It was nothing. You look adorable," Heeseung said, as Jake rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a familiar woman's voice interrupted them. "What's happening here?" she asked. Both men's eyes widened, and they quickly turned their heads to see Iseul wearing a skincare mask, her hair in a bun, and dressed in pink watermelon cartoon pajamas with bunny slippers.

With a cup of jasmine tea in her hand, she blinked in confusion at the scene in front of her, "Why is Jaeyun here..?" Her voice trailed off as she shifted her gaze towards Heeseung.

All of a sudden, something clicked in her mind. "Wait, are you two in a relationship now?!" She exclaimed with a mix of shock, disbelief, and excitement, speaking quite loudly.

Jake smiled and laughed awkwardly while glancing at Iseul, nudging Heeseung lightly with his elbow. Heeseung, who caught sight of the sign, cleared his throat and regained his composure.

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