chapter 3 - disappointment

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a/n: so sorry for the late update, got sick for a few days but i am currently working on the chapters rn!! im afraid this fanfic will have extreme slow updates.


Yeji's jaw dropped slightly as she finally laid eyes on the CEO of the company she had been employed at for several years. She was amazed by his beauty and how incredibly attractive he appeared.

Even though she liked girls, damn, this man was so attractive.

Heeseung placed one leg on top of the other while maintaining his gaze on the paper he held. Yeji fidgeted with her pants, anticipating the CEO's response. "This appears somewhat incomplete. Did you create this?" The inquiry abruptly brought the girl back to reality.

She swallowed hard and immediately glanced up to find that the CEO was already watching her. "W-Which one, sir?" Yeji mentally scolded herself for stuttering. The intense gaze she was receiving from the CEO was quite frightening.

Heeseung put the paper on the table for Yeji to see. As she glanced at it, her eyes widened slightly and a smile appeared on her lips upon seeing the design. "This one," the CEO declared, tapping the paper with his index finger.

Yeji had a proud smile on her face as she observed the design. She cleared her throat and directed her gaze towards the CEO, stating, "Sir, I must clarify that this work was not accomplished by me. It was, in fact, completed by a male intern who is currently working here." Shaking her head, she proceeded to smile warmly at Heeseung.

Heeseung's eyes widened slightly in response to the statement. "So, a newbie?" His tone conveyed a sense of disbelief. He found it hard to believe that this design was created by an intern.

Yeji nodded and chuckled nervously, saying, "Today is actually his first day of work, and I taught him some ways to use our editing app. Additionally, I believe he did the design exceptionally well, so why not submit it too? After all, he is also a worker here." She continued, causing the CEO to release a sigh.

Heeseung shut his eyes and rested against the couch. "First day at work?" He repeated, and Yeji nodded in affirmation.

The CEO moistened his lips and glanced back at Yeji before stating, "That's all for now. You may leave." He then stood up and walked over to his table.

Yeji took a gulp and nodded nervously as she stood up from the couch. She gave a slight bow to the CEO before leaving the office. Once the door was closed, Yeji clutched her heart and let out a heavy breath.

Yeji thought, 'I genuinely believed that he would murder me if I even breathed in that space!' She attempted to calm herself before returning to her office.

However, her lips were then graced with a smile. Yeji chuckled and confidently flipped her hair, stating proudly, "I knew Jake's design would surely affect him," She eagerly looked forward to informing Jake about the event that had transpired, as he had become her go-to person for sharing gossip.


Jake observed the taller boy as he slurped on a cup of noodles while the hairstylists were attempting to fix his hair. After setting down his own cup of noodles, Ni-ki inquired, "How was your few hours of work with the designer team?" and allowed the hairstylists to continue their work.

Jake sighed and licked his lips. "It was alright, I suppose. I was able to create the new logo for our company, and the vice-leader suggested it should be submitted to the CEO." He shrugged, and Ni-ki chirped in agreement.

"That's a good sign, right? After all, I had already expected this to come, since you're a great artist." Ni-ki complimented prompting Jake to stare at him in astonishment and cleared his throat.

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