chapter 15 - cliché

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"Oh my honeybunch, what are you thinking about?" A man in his forties inquired a woman who appeared to be the same age as him, and she seemed sorrowful and somewhat anxious about the thoughts occupying her mind.

The woman frowned and held her shirt gently on her chest. "I don't know, my sugarplum honey boo. I feel uneasy for some reason," she said, sighing.

The man pouted and lovingly stroked her hair. "Don't worry, my dear. I'm here with you," he reassured his wife, gently embracing her.

The woman let out another sigh as she placed her head on her husband's chest. "Honey," she said, eliciting a hum from her husband. "For how much longer do we need to keep this secret from our son?" she asked, gently gripping her husband's clothing.

The man gently kissed his wife's head and reassured her, saying, "When you feel prepared, my dear, you can inform him. Remember, I will always support you." Unexpectedly, everything transformed into a hilarious animated anime. Both of them had a twinkle in their eyes as they gazed deeply into one another's eyes.

"I am so lucky to have you as my husband, my sugarplum honey boo!"

"And I am incredibly lucky to have you as my wife, my honeybunch dear!"


Jake groaned as he began to regain consciousness. Gradually, he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of an attractive man. This man had purple hair that covered his forehead and captivating bambi eyes that left people breathless.

He looked extremely familiar. I mean, if the man Jake saw the moment he woke up wasn't Lee Heeseung, then who else could it be?

Jake's eyes grew wider as he blushed, feeling embarrassed by how close his face was to Heeseung's. Despite his instinct to move away, he attempted to sit up, only to accidentally collide his forehead with Heeseung's, resulting in both of them groaning from the unexpected impact.

"Ow.." Jake angrily hissed and rubbed his forehead, gradually sitting up straight on the hospital bed, while Heeseung retreated and resumed his seat on the chair next to Jake's bed. Jake asked, "Why did you come so close to my face?" in a complaining tone.

Heeseung cleared his throat and averted his gaze from Jake's eyes. "I'm checking if you're truly awake. Anyway, I'll be gone for a short while. I need to inform the doctor that you've regained consciousness." He stood up and proceeded towards the door.

As the door closed, he left Jake alone in the room. Jake pouted while rubbing the spot where he had hit his forehead against Heeseung's. As he continued to rub it, he glanced around the room and noticed another bed, which appeared to be unoccupied. It seemed as though someone had been on it but had left to use the bathroom.

Afterwards, Jake lay back down on the bed, attempting to recall the events that had led to his loss of consciousness. Nonetheless, all he could recollect was Jungwon's voice calling out his name, after which he lost consciousness.

He let out a sigh and gazed at the ceiling for a few minutes. Subsequently, the door swung open, uncovering Heeseung standing next to a doctor. The doctor then proceeded to assess Jake's condition, examining him and inquiring if he had recollected any details from the events that occurred just a few days ago.

After responding to them, the doctor departed from the room, leaving Heeseung and Jake alone. Seated on the chair, the male with purple hair let out a sigh, while Jake closed his eyes to unwind.

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