chapter 28 - alone

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"Heeseung, you should go back home and rest."

Yurim politely commented in a gentle tone as she noticed Heeseung still seated beside Jake's bed, patiently waiting for him to regain consciousness. Heeseung swiftly turned his body upon hearing the familiar voice.

His eyes gently softened upon seeing Yurim standing by the door, tenderly closing it with a plastic in her hand. "Miss Yurim," he softly uttered, observing as she calmly made her way towards the bed, her gaze unwaveringly fixed upon her unconscious son.

Yurim released a nervous breath as Heeseung stood up, grabbing her attention. "Miss, please take my seat," he kindly suggested. Yurim politely declined, shaking her head gently. "No, thank you. You should sit instead," she responded with a gentle and comforting tone.

Heeseung wished to kindly convince Yurim to sit, but he understood that it would be futile as Yurim remained steadfast in her decision and would likely decline once more. Nevertheless, rather than taking a seat himself, Heeseung opted to stand beside Yurim.

They both gazed at the unconscious Jake on the bed, filled with deep sadness and genuine concern. Uncertain of whether Jake would regain consciousness, it would be a devastating nightmare for both Yurim and Heeseung if he did not awaken.

The aircon's noise filled the hospital room, prompting Yurim to gently break the silence. "You've been here for nearly a whole day, Heeseung. It would be best if you went home," she suggested, to which the male immediately shook his head.

"I would have to decline that offer, Miss Yurim." He replied promptly with confidence as Yurim held onto the plastic bag handle and sighed. "I must remain by Jaeyun's side, regardless of the circumstances," he added.

Once more, a quiet stillness settled between the two individuals. Yurim found the silence uncomfortable, as it created an awkward atmosphere. Sensing a chance, she politely seized the moment to voice the question that had been troubling her.

"What made you like Jaeyun so much?"

The question that she had been eager to ask was what Jake had done to Heeseung that caused Heeseung to behave in this manner. Heeseung simply emitted a gentle chuckle in response to the question.

"Please," He began by kindly requesting, "Replace the word like. I don't like him." he mentioned before eventually completing his sentence. "In fact, I have strong feelings of love for him, more than just liking him." he expressed, as they both maintained a steady gaze at Jake.

Heeseung took a deep breath and folded his arms. "But, in response to your inquiry," he paused and briefly looked at Yurim, "I would say everything." His response elicited a small, dry chuckle from Yurim.

"Typical universal answer. Quite cliché, if I may add." Yurim made a comment that caused Heeseung to chuckle slightly.

Heeseung gently shrugged his shoulders and smiled warmly, redirecting his focus towards Jake. "It's possible, but..." His voice tapered off as a tender smile graced his lips. "I truly do love him deeply. I adore every aspect of him." He concluded, expressing his heartfelt sentiments.

He uncrossed his arms and gently placed his hand on Jake's, capturing Yurim's attention. He expressed, "I always feel like I am at my utmost when I am in his presence." He proceeded to delicately stroke his thumb against Jake's hand.

He chuckled softly. "Despite my tendency to be clingy, he has never grown weary of me, which makes me feel valued." He fondly recalled the cherished moments he had shared with Jake thus far.

Yurim remained silent as she observed Heeseung affectionately holding Jake's hand. Her eyes gently softened as she continued to witness the scene. "I love him because, with his presence, I have felt empowered to reveal aspects of myself that I have never disclosed to anyone, including myself," he concluded. Yurim took a deep breath, feeling slightly emotional as she listened to Heeseung's sincere declaration.

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