chapter 8 - mama

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"Oh my god, Jake! You're back!"

Jake released a sigh and offered a slight smile to Yeji, who was filled with excitement upon seeing him. It was comforting to have someone who would continually stay by his side. Yeji embraced Jake, her face beaming with immense happiness.

Jake was contemplating whether he should go to the company today, but he had no other option as he desired to graduate. In order to achieve his graduation, he needed to successfully complete the internship, thus putting an end to all this torment in the near future.

Jake was hoping that the three months would fly by quickly. He wanted the internship to end as soon as possible.

"I'm glad you're back. I apologize for Iseul and Sunoo's behavior. It must have been embarrassing," Yeji chuckled awkwardly while Jake shook his head.

"It's fine. I was just exaggerating," Jake smiled and clarified, but then he suddenly realized something. "Wait, how did you find out about this?" He furrowed his brows and looked at Yeji with confusion and suspicion.

Yeji's eyes widened slightly before she let out a chuckle. "It has been a hot topic among the workers for the past few days, and most of them have already told me," she informed, which made Jake feel slightly concerned about Iseul and Sunoo.

Being aware that humans could be ruthless, it is likely that they would engage in gossiping about the two leaders in a mean-spirited manner. As both leaders are also human beings with emotions, it must have been incredibly painful for them to hear such hurtful gossip from their own employees.

"Oh.. really.." Jake mumbled and awkwardly smiled at Yeji, asking, "Can I know where Miss Lee is?" Yeji shrugged in response and said, "She informed me that she will be taking a break from work because of some family matters. So, I will be leading the designer team for a few weeks." Yeji confidently expressed this with a thumbs up.

Jake's lips slightly parted upon hearing this, knowing that the actual reason for her break was something else.

Moistening his lips, he nodded in acknowledgement at Yeji's statements. "Okay, I will proceed with working on the new logo," he said. Jake cleared his throat and smiled at Yeji.

Yeji nodded, clearing a path for the man to reach his seat, and proceeded to resume working on the company logo.

However, he couldn't help but feel guilty about the leaders receiving preferential treatment from other workers. They all felt sorry for him and began criticizing the two leaders. Despite their own lack of professionalism, it didn't mean the other workers weren't also unprofessional. Criticizing the 'culprits' of this entire situation was already considered unprofessional behavior for a worker.

Knowing this for a fact, Jake decided to visit the modeling team later to check on Sunoo, concerned about the potential impact of mean words and gossip from other workers.


my other half 🫀👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

my boo jakey
want to have lunch together?

my other half 🫀👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
ofc pookie bear 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

my boo jakey
i kept forgetting that u were
the one who saved ur own
contact name like this
on my phone 😰

my other half 🫀👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
reminding u that im ur other half
with that realistically realistic heart

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