chapter 26 - an apology?

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Yeji chose to walk to the company today because her car had broken down. She didn't have time to send the car to the mechanics, so she asked her girlfriend for help instead. Additionally, she had a meeting in a few minutes, and there was no way she was going to miss it.

She hurriedly ran in front of the company, glancing at her watch and pacing back and forth. Suddenly, she noticed Jake with another person near the company, next to a sleek black car, catching a glimpse out of the corner of her eye.

She was about to mind her own business and enter, but as soon as she saw Jake standing in front of the CEO, Lee Heeseung, beside the black car, her eyes widened and she took a step back to get a better look.

She blinked rapidly, attempting to confirm if what she was witnessing was accurate. At that moment, Jake approached quietly, his hands gently holding Heeseung's cheeks as Heeseung affectionately stroked the sides of Jake's waist. Gradually, they leaned in closer to each other, causing Yeji's jaw to fall to the ground in astonishment.

She slapped her hand over her mouth and hurriedly walked to the front before entering the company. Of course, she intended to keep it a secret, but she definitely intended to inquire about it with Jake later.


Jake entered the designer team office with a happy expression, exchanging greetings and smiles with some of the workers. As he made his way towards his desk, he noticed Yeji already seated there, browsing through her documents.

She was concentrating on her work, but her attention shifted when she heard the sound of an office chair being pulled away from the desk. Without delay, she glanced to her side and noticed Jake sitting down with a smile.

"Good morning, Yeji." He greeted as he removed his coat, a rich shade of dark brown, the man revealed his attire underneath - a sleek black turtleneck neatly tucked into his stylish black pants. Carefully folding the coat in half, he delicately placed it upon the armrest.

Yeji looked at him, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Good morning too, sunshine," she chimed, her tone dripping with playful sarcasm. This unexpected greeting caused Jake to raise an eyebrow, a hint of suspicion flickering in his eyes.

He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as he observed Yeji's playful demeanor. Curiosity piqued, he couldn't resist asking her, "What's the reason behind this mischievous attitude? Is there some juicy gossip you're dying to share?" Little did he know, the very subject of the tea she might spill was himself.

With a smirk on her face, Yeji leaned in closer to Jake, gesturing for him to bring his ear closer to her. Jake complied, leaning his ear towards Yeji's direction.

In a hushed voice, she uttered words that took him completely by surprise - "Who would've thought all this while, you were secretly dating the CEO." The revelation caught Jake off guard, causing him to accidentally inhale his own saliva and cough uncontrollably.

Yeji couldn't help but chuckle as she noticed Jake's ears and cheeks turning a light shade of red. "Looks like the mark is showing through your turtleneck, mister," she playfully remarked, causing Jake to react with surprise and quickly cover the hickey with his hand.

Jake stared at Yeji in shock. "Hold on, was it really that noticeable? Could everyone see the hickey?" He inquired, speaking softly to ensure only Yeji could hear his words.

Yeji's lips curved into a gentle smile as she lightly shook her head, assuring the person before her that his hickey had gone unnoticed until he leaned in. "Don't worry about it," she uttered reassuringly, her voice laced with genuine understanding.

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