chapter 4 - new waiters

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Jake lay on his bed, holding his phone up and scrolling through it in an attempt to find another company to intern at. He sighed in disappointment when he could not locate any suitable options.

It turned out to be both his initial and final project at the company he selected for his internship. It was unexpected to discover that the employees were highly unprofessional.

How on earth was he expected to graduate if he couldn't even complete the internship?

The entire silent house was filled with the echo of a door opening downstairs. Jake tightly gripped his phone and shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. He became aware of the person who had just returned home as he frustratedly ruffled his hair and sat up on the bed.

Jake wet his lips and rose from his bed, stretching his body and emitting gentle groans. He proceeded towards the desk, settling himself onto the chair and opening his laptop.

Afterward, he looked for a company that had caught his attention earlier while he was using his phone. Jake, with his bottom lip bitten and his eyes squinted, stared at the laptop screen.

Out of nowhere, a series of knocks resonated from the door of his bedroom. Jake moistened his lips and let out a sigh. "Come in," he said, as he leaned back in his chair. With the door swinging open, he remained focused on his laptop screen, unaware of the person standing behind him.

Arms were then wrapped around Jake's neck, embracing him in a back hug. Jake's eyes slightly widened at the familiar warmth, and he swiftly turned around to find Jungwon, who wore a large, adorable smile on his face.

"Jungwon!" Jake stood up and hugged Jungwon with a beaming smile, as if there was no tomorrow. Jungwon giggled in response, nodding and gently stroking Jake's back.

"Yes, yes, I miss you too." Jungwon laughed while Ni-ki, leaning against the doorframe, crossed his arms with a smirk on his lips. Ni-ki's hair, which had been down and fluffy from the earlier photoshoot, added to his charm.

Jake released the hug and addressed Jungwon with a smile. "How are you?" He inquired, giving a gentle squeeze to Jungwon's hands to provide comfort.

As Ni-ki entered the room and stood next to him, Jungwon had a sad smile on his face. Jungwon sighed and licked his lips, moistening them. "I'm fine. The case has not been decided yet," he said, causing Ni-ki and Jake to look at him with concern.

Jake reached out and patted Jungwon on the shoulder, accompanied by an assuring smile. "Don't worry. I have no doubt that you will emerge victorious in that case," he reassured, causing Jungwon to crack a smile.

After that, Ni-ki added, "That's true. Since you're here now, you will be safe with us." He embraced Jungwon's shoulders while the male with cat-like eyes laughed and nodded in acknowledgement.

“Thank you for the assurance. But I honestly don’t think I could win the case.” Jungwon laughed dryly and stared at the floor.

"I don't have enough money to hire another lawyer."



Heeseung, in a state of shock, glanced at Yeji and Iseul after they revealed to him that the illustrator, whose design he admired, had resigned from his internship. "But I haven't even given my approval!" The CEO's tone was filled with disbelief and astonishment.

"I have already informed his friend to convince Jaeyun to go back here but, he said it didn't work." Iseul, filled with shame, informed as she stared at the ground. She believed that all of this had occurred because of her actions.

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