chapter 24 - the obstacle came

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"Thank god you did well on the meeting earlier, because I noticed that you were not focusing at all, Heeseung." Iseul groaned and narrowed her eyes at her younger brother, while Heeseung simply sighed, closed the car door, and walked towards the mansion's front door, fixing her purse.

Upon opening the door, the younger male and Iseul were greeted by a delightful smell of food, causing their nostrils to tingle. Filled with curiosity, they entered the mansion, their eyes widening in anticipation.

Iseul's lips parted slightly as she swiftly made her way down the hallway toward the kitchen. "Wow, what is that scent?" she murmured, with Heeseung trailing behind her.

Upon the Lee siblings' arrival in the kitchen, they were greeted by the sight of Jake and Ian wearing matching pink animal aprons. Jake was stationed at the stove, preparing the meal, while Ian stood on a stool beside him, observing Jake's cooking for dinner. Additionally, Jake's other hand was affectionately ruffling Ian's hair.

Heeseung's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. Iseul cooed and looked at Heeseung, who was amazed to see Jake preparing dinner in the kitchen.

She chuckled and playfully tapped him on the arm, commenting, "You made the right choice," before swiftly heading towards the dinner table.

"Ian!" Iseul let out a loud exclamation, causing both Ian and Jake to immediately turn their attention towards her. A wide grin spread across Ian's face, as he eagerly stretched out his arms, inviting Iseul to come and embrace him. Overwhelmed with excitement, Iseul swiftly lifted Ian up from his sitting position on the stool and joyfully spun him around in the air.

While Jake was stirring the food on the pan, he laughed upon seeing Iseul and Ian. Out of nowhere, arms slid around his waist, causing him to widen his eyes. He quickly glanced behind him and saw Heeseung with his eyes closed, resting his chin on Jake's shoulder.

Jake chuckled as Heeseung tightened his grasp around his waist, causing his eyes to soften. "You're beautiful," he whispered, opening his eyes and placing a kiss on Jake's cheek.

Jake smiled while he turned off the stove, placing the spatula down and pivoting his entire body to face Heeseung, who still had his arms wrapped around Jake's waist.

Jake gently cupped Heeseung's cheeks and gazed at him with affection. "How was your day at work?" He inquired, as Heeseung pouted and drew Jake nearer to himself.

"Boring without you." Heeseung complained, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration, causing Jake to let out a soft chuckle. In response, Jake playfully tiptoed towards Heeseung and gently pressed a tender kiss on his forehead, attempting to ease his worries.

"Don't worry, love, I'll go to work tomorrow," Jake reassured, his words filled with sincerity and a touch of affection. However, instead of finding solace in Jake's words, Heeseung's eyebrows knitted together in suspicion.

With a tilt of his head and a shake of his head, Heeseung expressed his disagreement. "Why? You're still sick," Jake, on the other hand, let out a groan of frustration and rolled his eyes dismissively.

Jake shifted his gaze towards the stove, finding himself still enveloped in Heeseung's embrace around his waist. "I assure you, I'm perfectly fine now. Besides, it's imperative for me to finish my internship if I want to secure my graduation, so quit being an idiot," he stated, albeit using a derogatory term which led Heeseung to pucker his lips in a slight pout, hurt by the unfriendly nickname.

Jake grabbed the pan and transferred the food onto a different plate. "Why are you referring to me as an idiot?" Heeseung expressed. It was evident that Heeseung longed to hear affectionate and endearing nicknames from Jake, as opposed to being referred to in a derogatory manner.

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