chapter 10 - reveal (no clickbait)

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Jungwon burst into laughter when Jake and Ni-ki shared the story of what had happened earlier at the company. Ni-ki also found the event amusing and couldn't help but laugh along with Jungwon.

"This is not funny! That little kid made me question my entire life! I even started reminiscing about my high school years, wondering if I had actually gotten someone pregnant!" Jake complained, which only made Jungwon laugh even harder.

However, Jungwon's laughter slowly subsided as he clutched his stomach in pain from laughing too much. "Wait, wait," he said, his laughs turning into cackles. "So, this woman mistook you for a woman?" Jake rolled his eyes and nodded in response to Jungwon's question.

Jake moistened his lips and let out a sigh. "I'm uncertain about everything now, but tomorrow is my day off. Finally, I will be able to relax and escape from all the chaos happening at that cursed company." He leaned against the couch, feeling a sense of relief.

"By the way, let's change the subject and not discuss my situation anymore." Jake mentioned, catching the attention of the two boys. He straightened his posture and turned his gaze towards Jungwon.

"What about you? How was your first day at a different company? Was it PRK company?" Jake inquired, causing Jungwon's expression to instantly turn bitter. He groaned and shifted into a sitting position.

"I haven't met the CEO yet, but there's this girl who constantly irritates me." Jungwon complained, clenching his hand into a fist. "If only I could punch her in the face.." He whispered, prompting confusion from the two other boys.

"Whoa man, what did she do to make you so angry?" Ni-ki asked, as Jungwon let out a lengthy sigh and looked upwards.

"Apparently, she is the CEO's ex-girlfriend and she keeps coming to his company to 'go on a date' with him." Jungwon mimicked quotation marks with his hand. The other two boys were in disbelief after hearing about the girl.


Jake gazed at his reflection in the mirror while adjusting his bangs that were obstructing his forehead. He struggled to style his hair effectively, and consequently, he decided to leave it as it was. He refrained from using gel since he had run out of it, thanks to Ni-ki, who constantly pilfered it without his knowledge.

He utilized the hairspray to enhance the appearance of his hair, making it appear vibrant rather than lackluster. Subsequently, he tidied up his garments and struck a pose. His attire consisted of a white long-sleeved t-shirt adorned with black stripes running along the arms from the shoulders to the cuffs. For bottoms, he opted for ripped jeans, and as an additional embellishment, he selected a silver necklace.

Two of his friends, Ni-ki and Jungwon, had already left for work a few hours ago. He woke up a bit later than them because he had stayed up late at night reading fanfictions.

He grinned to himself, picked up his black sling bag, and left his room. As usual, he walked downstairs and noticed a paper left on the table, causing him to pause on his way to the front door.

He blinked, then approached it and picked it up. He proceeded to read it. Once finished, he scoffed and put it back on the table in order to take a picture of it.

He sent the picture to the group chat, which included him, Ni-ki, and Jungwon.

ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

no bitches gang 😓‼️💯

[sent a pic]
lol what???

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