chapter 2 - the design

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Jake let out a sigh while sitting by himself at the cafeteria table, sipping on the coffee he had purchased from the vending machine. Despite the option to purchase food from the cafe within the cafeteria, he didn't feel particularly hungry. All he needed was a beverage.

The promise he made with Yeji to walk around the company was broken because Iseul called her for a meeting, which involved leaders and their vice-leaders.

Jake didn't mind, of course, since it was work-related, but he couldn't help but feel lonely. Sighing, he checked his pockets to see if his phone was there, only to be shocked when he found nothing.

Immediately, he thrust his hands into his pockets in an attempt to locate his phone, only to realize that he had inadvertently left it behind in the bathroom while washing his face.

"Ah fuck," Jake cursed, grabbing the coffee can. He stood up and quickly went to the trash can and threw the can away. He then immediately headed to the men's room and was trying to find his cell phone, which he had left behind.

Having many thoughts in his mind, caused him to forget the most crucial aspect of his life.

He opened the door and walked inside, attempting to maintain composure while searching for the phone on the sink. A boy was drying his hands under the hand dryer, wearing a wide smile as he gazed at the ring on his finger.

Jake panicked when he couldn't locate his phone on the counter. He scanned the area and noticed a boy who had a self-satisfied smile on his face. Jake's eyes widened a bit as he observed the boy's remarkable appearance. The boy was incredibly attractive.

"Um... excuse me?" Jake spoke up, catching the boy's attention. The boy looked at him confused, his eyebrows raised. He had pink fluffy hair, round glasses and wore an oversized sweater.

Jake inhaled deeply and cleared his throat before asking, "Did you happen to come across a Samsung flip phone with a black case on the sink?" He exhaled shakily and tightly gripped his fists.

The boy's expression brightened, and he looked at him in shock, saying, "Oh, it was yours? I was going to send it to the lost and found center." He commented. After drying his hands, he swiftly took the phone out of his pocket and displayed it to Jake.

"Is this yours?" he asked for confirmation, but the smile on his face did not disappear, but rather widened further.

Jake breathed a sigh of relief as he received the phone in his hands. "Oh my... Thank God. Thank you so much!" He held onto the sink with one hand for support while clutching his chest with the other.

The boy standing in front of him let out a light-hearted laugh and gently shook his head in amusement. "Don't worry about it. By any chance, are you a newcomer to this place?" he inquired, a friendly smile gracing his face, causing Jake to be taken aback and look at him with astonishment.

Jake cleared his throat and nodded, saying, "Ah, correct. Yes. I am here for a three-month internship." After regaining his composure, Jake respectfully bowed to the pink-haired man, who responded with a coo of acknowledgment.

"I see. Did you come here with a friend?" He inquired to which Jake responded affirmatively, nodding in agreement. "Does he go by the name Nishimura Riki perhaps?" This particular inquiry caught Jake off guard and left him stunned, as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped in sheer astonishment.

Jake asked in disbelief, "How did you know?" causing the other male to chuckle lightly.

"I chose him to be in my team, the modelling team. You must be Sim Jaeyun right? I chose you too, but.." The male sighed. "Iseul won the rock, paper and scissors. So, she stole you away from me." He rolled his eyes and gave Jake a smile.

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