chapter 16 - caught you

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a/n: i've been listening to 'mmmh' by kai and i think im going insane 🧎🏻‍♀️


The sounds of knocking on the hospital room door reverberated through the not-so-silent room. Jake, seated on his bed, was scrolling through his phone while the white hospital blanket covered half of his body.

After hearing the knocks, he glanced at the door and said, "Come in," while simultaneously switching off his phone and placing it out of sight.

The door opened, and Iseul appeared wearing her usual suit and glasses, but this time her hair was down. She looked exceptionally beautiful. With a smile on her face and a basket full of fruits in her hand, she entered the room.

"Hey," She greeted and then closed the door. With a smile, Jake nodded as she approached the bed and took a seat on the single sofa. "How are you?" she inquired, placing the basket on her lap.

Jake smiled at her and commented, "I'm doing well. My legs are healing faster than I expected." Iseul let out a sigh of relief and said, "That's a relief then," before picking up the basket once more.

She tightened her grip and lifted it, mentioning, "Heeseung instructed me to give these to you," as she placed the basket on the bed.

Jake blinked rapidly and his lips slightly parted when Heeseung was mentioned. "Oh, really? Please let him know I appreciate it.." He nervously swallowed and awkwardly scratched his head.

Iseul observed Jake's reaction, blinking before attempting to conceal her small smile of excitement. "Has something occurred between you two?" she inquired, prompting Jake to quickly shake his head in denial.

"No, what are you implying?" Jake questioned, feigning ignorance as he tilted his head slightly and awkwardly smiled at the woman.

Iseul nodded slowly and puckered her lips, saying, "If that's what you say.." She then slowly averted her gaze.


In the hospital cafeteria, two men were observed sitting across from one another. These men were not ordinary individuals; they were Park Sunghoon and Park Jay. Engaged in conversation, both of them were leisurely enjoying their hot drinks.

"So, what are you planning to do?" Sunghoon, sipping his tea, asked while his gaze remained locked onto Jay, who just sighed and let out a low chuckle.

"Who knows," Jay responded, with the corner of his lip curled up slightly. He leaned against the chair, arms crossed, and one leg resting on top of the other.

Sunghoon let out a sigh and placed the cup down, resulting in a smacking sound from his lips. "Sometimes, I just can't understand you. It's not fair," he commented, while Jay shrugged in response.

"I'm not to blame. But, you do realize that our father is currently monitoring you, right?"

As soon as Jay uttered those words, Sunghoon groaned and rolled his eyes. "Damn right, I know. He's the one who kicked me out, yet he's the one who wants me back. That old man doesn't make any sense." Sunghoon clicked his tongue, causing Jay to burst into laughter.

"Watch your language. I'm his first son, Hoon. You know I could easily inform him that you're badmouthing him behind his back, right?" Jay smirked, raising one eyebrow as Sunghoon stared at him blankly.

"Yeah, you could, but that doesn't mean you would. I bet you threw away that recording device our father put on your clothes, didn't you?" Sunghoon remarked, making Jay burst into laughter.

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