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The gentle sounds of laughter mingled with the soothing rhythm of ocean waves could be heard near the shoreline, where a couple joyfully strolled hand in hand. Their faces lit up with wide, beaming smiles as they enjoyed their run along the water's edge.

Jake gently pulled Heeseung along the shoreline, playfully teasing, "Come on, I thought you were quite athletic!" Heeseung chuckled and shook his head in response.

"I am athletic, my love. I just want to be dragged by you." Heeseung made a comment that made Jake roll his eyes. In response, Jake politely exclaimed, "Why don't you try to catch me!" He then let go of Heeseung's hand and ran away from him with his purple hair flowing behind him.

Heeseung's jaw gently fell open as he gazed at Jake in astonishment. Gradually, a smile formed on his lips. "It would be appreciated if you wouldn't abruptly leave me like that, Jaeyun," he chuckled softly before proceeding to chase after Jake.

In a sudden moment, arms gently wrapped around Jake's waist, lifting him up from the sand while he chuckled in delight. "I have you now, darling," Heeseung whispered, leaning in to affectionately place a kiss on Jake's neck.

"Noooo!" Jake expressed discomfort as he attempted to release himself from Heeseung's embrace, yet Heeseung's strength proved insurmountable.

Soon, Jake decided to take a break and was out of breath, desperately gasping for air. Meanwhile, Heeseung found amusement in the situation as he continued to embrace Jake around the waist. He gently drew Jake nearer, enabling him to rest his chin on Jake's shoulder.

Jake's face flushed slightly as he sensed Heeseung's warm breath gently brushing against his skin, particularly his sensitive neck. Nervously, he swallowed and moistened his lips. "Would you mind releasing me, please? It seems like you've managed to catch me," he inquired, as Heeseung simply responded with a soft hum.

"No." Heeseung declined and gently opened his eyes to glance at Jake from the side of his face. "I would prefer not to," he stated, shaking his head as he lifted his chin from Jake's shoulder.

Heeseung gently turned Jake around and drew him closer to his body, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he observed Jake's surprised expression. He couldn't help but chuckle when Jake continued to gaze at him with those endearing eyes.

"You're so cute, I just want to eat you." He commented which made Jake furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"What does that even mean?" Jake scoffed, rolling his eyes in response.

Heeseung's smile expanded further as he leaned in towards Jake's ear with a gentle pace. His warm breath tenderly brushed against his earlobe, causing a delightful sensation to run down his back. "You are fully aware of the intention behind my words," Heeseung paused before softly nipping at Jake's earlobe.


Upon hearing Heeseung say his name in his deep voice, Jake felt a slight sensation of goosebumps and a shiver running down his spine. This caused him to blush and instinctively move away from Heeseung.

Heeseung simply smiled in amusement at Jake's reaction. Jake promptly shook his head and gently placed both of his palms on Heeseung's chest, ensuring they remained at a comfortable distance. "Not now, Heeseung. We're currently on vacation with Ian and the rest of the group." He politely declined, causing a slight pout to form on Heeseung's lips.

"Oh come on, we even ordered our own room." Heeseung expressed, gently taking hold of Jake's wrist and softly stroking his thumb against his skin. "It seems that Ian will be in our mother's room after all. This means we will have some time alone." He further conveyed, using his other hand to tenderly caress Jake's cheek.

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