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Aki felt like she was on cloud nine. It was such a ridiculous notion—that a man had made her feel that way (because, ew). But she couldn't deny how happy she felt. It was such a foreign concept to her—happiness. It was something she had taken for granted as a child. The last time she'd felt it was before she was sold to the Double A—which was such a long time ago. But yet, there she was, feeling all giddy and happy. It was kind of terrifying actually. Gin and Higuchi hadn't known how to respond when she told them what had gone down between her and Chuuya. She'd said it with such a wide grin that she looked crazed. But then again, Aki had never claimed to be sane to anyone.

The rest of that night, Aki and Chuuya had sat and talked. They sat in awkward positions—any excuse to touch one another. They talked about random things, things that didn't matter. Aki had felt so content, as did Chuuya. They were two very independent people who swore they would never give themselves to another person—so who better to give themselves to than each other?

Aki had suggested they should go out the night before. Not exactly a date, but just out of the Port Mafia building. With the Gala coming up soon, all of their paperwork was finished and they had no upcoming missions. Chuuya had agreed, making a comment about how he would only go as long as he wasn't going to be made her personal shopping bag carrier again.

The pair were in the Mall they had previously visited after Kouyou's scolding—though this time it was on their own accord. They were walking side-by-side, neither of them were speaking, they weren't holding hands—in fact, they weren't even talking. Looking at them, no one would assume they were driven crazy by the other, but that didn't make it any less true. They were more than content walking together, Aki sipping on an overpriced coffee Chuuya had bought her—he hadn't even bothered complaining about the price, but that made sense, what with the crazy amount of money in his bank account.

Aki perked up, spotting a candy store, "Oh, let's go in there!" She chirped excitedly, her eyes lightning up at the big-colourful sign above the shop.

"You're gonna rot your teeth if you keep eating so many sweets." Chuuya said with a sigh, putting his hand to his forehead.

Aki arched a brow at him, "Not if I keep brushing them well." She argued.

Chuuya scoffed, "You consume that many sweets I don't think brushing your teeth will even help them." It was true. Aki loved sweet things. She kept an entire drawer full of them in her desk in the office. Chuuya had become familiar with the souls of rappers opening—she also tasted sweet, like the sugar always clung to her lips. He enjoyed it though.

Aki stuck her nose in the air, "Shut your mouth. My teeth are perfect."

"Yeah, not for long." Chuuya quipped.

Aki latched her hand onto his wrist, "Stop arguing with me, jackass and get in the candy store!" She exclaimed, making Chuuya sigh, putting his hand on his hat to stop it from falling off from how roughly she was pulling him—though, he did allow her to drag him into the sweet shop.

Aki was like a kid in a candy store—quite literally. Her eyes were like flying saucers, her mouth watering at the array of delicious sweetness in front of her. She grabbed a packet of sweets with her hand, her other one still clutching the sleeve of Chuuya's jacket, "What about these?" She asked, waving the packet in his face. They were little cat-shaped gummies coated in sugar, each in a different primary colour. Two thing Chuuya had learned about Aki was that she liked sweets—and cats, he had proof of the later from all the cat drawings she had drawn on his paperwork.

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