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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Come back home.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Chuuya hadn't known where his sudden love confession had come from, all he knew was that he had to say it. Every word he spoke had been true—he did love her, so very much. He supposed, the thought of potentially losing her had been enough to make him finally say those words. He needed her to know how he felt. Despite everything that had happened, his feelings for her hadn't changed. In fact, they'd only grown stronger. He couldn't bring himself to kill her, not even when she had betrayed him—and he didn't need to know why she had. He didn't care if she ever betrayed him again. It was foolish, really, but it was exactly how he felt.

He was watching her as she ran straight for an armed Port Mafia guard whilst he shot out of a broken window in the hallway, taking down a Double A assassin without even looking. Aki kicked the gun from the Mafioso before jumping on him, wrapping one leg around his neck and spinning herself around so that she was on his back. She pulled him down to the ground with one leg, his head smacking against the wooden floor. Damn, Chuuya thought, she's so fucking sexy. It had been one of his main thoughts throughout watching her take down anyone in their way. She was so beautiful—so fucking powerful. She gave him chills. Everything she did surprised him. How could she be so perfect?

Aki looked over at him, flicking hair over her shoulder, "Stop staring and let's go, Nakahara. We're almost there." She said, sticking her nose in the air, drawling his name out teasingly.

Chuuya stepped towards her, momentarily ducking a stray bullet that flew through a window, shattering it, "I wasn't staring at you—I was just making sure that guy was alive. Your thighs are deathly contraptions." He insisted, a slight smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he approached her, the handgun resting down by his hip.

Aki grinned at him wickedly, "Yeah. You would know." Was that a sexual innuendo or her reminding me she almost strangled me with her thighs?

The pair walked down the hallway towards a door at the very end. It was locked but it didn't matter. Aki reached for the handle, giving it a twist, making it come flying off, breaking the internal locks as she blasted it with energy. The door creaked open, making a satisfied smile leave her lips as they slipped inside the dimly lit stairwell. Aki's hand slipped into Chuuya's, pulling him along behind her, guiding him down the spiral staircase towards the exit.

Once they reached the bottom, standing in front of a metal door, she glanced over her shoulder at him, "There's three people on the other side of the door, but we can take them out quickly." She assured him, making him give her a determined as she grabbed the handle, tugging the door open.

They stepped outside, light pouring down onto them from the lowering sunset. Chuuya immediately rose his gun, his hand still holding onto Aki's but he stopped in his tracks. Standing in front of him wasn't just any Port Mafia members, but instead, the members of the Black Lizard—his friends, his most trusted comrades. He felt his teeth grind together as he cussed Mori in his mind. There was no need to get them involved—it was purely only to hurt him and Aki.

The gun faltered in his grip as he felt Aki tighten her hold on his hand. She was standing like a deer caught in headlights, staring at the three in front of her. They were completely alone, Hirotsu leaning against the passenger seat of a black BMW, a cigarette dangling from his lips. Gin and Tachihara stood on each side of him, both of them sporting guns in their hands. Aki gulped. It was the worst possible situation—to be standing there in front of people she had called her friends. She couldn't take them down easily.

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