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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The gloves are coming off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

                "Allow me." The velvety voice said from behind her as her wine glass was refilled, the persons fingers wrapped around hers. Aki should have felt at least an ounce of fear—since the man behind her, filling her glass had been the same man that had ordered to shoot at her only an hour before. But she wasn't. She was incredibly relaxed.

                    "Such a gentleman." Aki purred as the hand left hers. She straightened out her back. "So, how did you find me?" She asked as the man walked around her, stepping into view.

                   Chuuya looked down at her as he settled the bottle of wine onto the table. There was a sour look on his pretty face, "Simple. I just followed the smell of betrayal and there you were." He stated, sass and venom pouring from his mouth.

                      Aki scoffed, "You can be such a drama queen," She scolded, picking up the wine glass to take a long sip. She looked up at him through her lashes. "It's your own fault, really. You should have kept on hating me—it would have been the smarter decision." She told him, her amber eyes locked on his blue ones.

                     "You're right," Chuuya agreed, nodding his head. "But that moment of weakness is over now." He clarified.

                   Aki could see it in his eyes. He was no longer looking at her the way he had the night before or that morning—there was pure rage in his eyes, an anger that burned deeply inside of him. He hated her. He hated that she had betrayed him and he hadn't seen it coming. Aki felt a deep stabbing feeling in her gut. He hadn't even attempted to talk to her—he hadn't come to her alone and asked her why she had done what she had. If he had, she would have confessed everything to him. Instead, he had came at her with full force. It pissed her off.

                     "So, what's your plan, Executive? You going to kill me in front of all these people?" She asked him, tipping her back head to look at him, black cascades of hair slipping over her shoulder.

                       "I'm taking you back to Headquarters," He said with determination, giving a nod of his head. He extended his gloved hand to her. "First, I want to dance with you." Aki stared at his hand, feeling puzzled.

                      "And why would you want to do that?" She inquired, arching a brow.

                      "We never got to at the Gala. It just makes sense for us to wrap up loose ends right here and now," He told her, his voice holding little to no emotion. He extended his hand further, "Dance with me, Kitagawa." He ordered, intense blue gaze staring her down, clearly having an ulterior motive.

                     Aki sighed, settling down her wine glass, "If you insist." She said, reaching out to take his hand. Neither of them could deny the friction between them the moment their fingers intertwined. It was still there. That raw feeling—the feelings they were trying to push to the very bottom of their hearts, tucking it away between spite and hatred.

                    Chuuya led her onto the dance floor, his grip so tight on her fingers they might have snapped. He stopped dead in the centre before yanking her into him, making her slam into his chest, "It was quite the little ploy you had—seducing me, making me lower my guard," He began saying, taking a step forward, making her step back. They began moving across the dance floor, their bodies moving at their own will. "Did you have it planned out from the start? He questioned, his eyes trained on her face, never once looking away.

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