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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Be gone, demon.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

               Aki was paying attention. And hard. She was holding onto every word that Mori was saying—now that it was about the Double A. She had speculated the mafia Boss would want to go after her organisation, though, she hadn't thought it would be so soon. But from what Mori was saying, he wanted to wipe them out—he wanted them to be nothing but a whisper of the past, something the upcoming generations would only wonder about their legitimacy. The wipeout of the Double A would be music to her ears, joy to her heart, but she wasn't naive. She had been given the okay to kill her own coworkers by her Boss—that's how disposable they were to him. And she wouldn't mind doing it. But it was about to cause her a whole lot of trouble.

                   "As you all know, our dear Akira was a member of the Double A before she came to her senses and joined our side. Luckily for us, this means she knows them inside out. We have all the information we could possibly need," Mori was saying, petting Elise's head as he spoke, as if she were some kind of pet. "I've had some of my men look into the Double A, and they're apparently already searching for their deadliest weapon. If we don't strike first, there might be the chance that they take our newest member from us—which we couldn't possibly stand for." Mori's eyes locked with Aki's as he spoke and it took everything in her not to scowl at him. Once again, she was being treated like a prized object, as if she were a priceless painting in an art museum. She hated it.

                  "But the kill chip, sir, couldn't they activate it and have her killed if we meddle too hard?" Higuchi worried, her brows pulled downwards in concern. Aki couldn't tell if she was concerned for her life, or simply worried about how Mori would react if his new toy suddenly dropped dead. But it seemed that Mori had told them everything they needed to know about their latest member.

                   Chuuya scoffed, "I don't see the issue."

                   Aki smiled sweetly at him whilst subtly giving him the middle finger. He smiled sarcastically back at her.

                    "The issue is, Akira is a member of this organisation now. And we protect our own." Hirotsu said in a scolding tone, blowing smoke from his lips. Chuuya sighed as he face-palmed.

                   Mori nodded gracefully, "Indeed. We must see that Akira is protected. Which is why I have decided to pair her with you," A silence washed across the room. Chuuya, who had been staring at his gloved hands froze when he felt multiple eyes on him. He slowly looked up whilst thinking, please don't let it be me, to himself. But sure enough, he made direct eye contact with Mori. Fuck. "Chuuya, I want you to be Akita's partner, somewhat of a bodyguard for—"

                    Within seconds, Chuuya was out of his seat, scrapping the chair legs against the floor. His fist came down onto the table, spilling the orange juice he had been sipping on, "You want me to be a bodyguard? For her?" He exclaimed. He banged his fist again. Aki watched with bored eyes. Chuuya pleadingly looked at his superior. "Boss, I'm an Executive, not a fucking bodyguard. I—"

                     "That might be true, Chuuya," Mori spoke in a calm voice, un-phased by the redheads outburst. "But you are our most powerful Gifted. I need you two to work closely together." Mori explained to a seething Chuuya. Aki was surprised his hat hadn't blown off his head yet like an erupting volcano.

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