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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Don't pull away this time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

                "Come here."

                Aki hadn't made a single move. She was frozen on the spot as if she had caught a glimpse of Medusa's gaze. She couldn't bring herself to do it. She was afraid—not of him, but of how badly she wanted to abide by what he said. If he'd asked her to jump off a cliff, she was sure she would do it. What did that say about her? That she was willingly to jump for a man she'd sworn to hate? It made her crazy—absolutely fucking nuts.

                   "Akira. Come here." He'd said her name—he had said it again. He'd said it with such dominance that she couldn't deny him. It had sounded so heavenly falling from his lips. She wanted him to say it over and over again until he lost his voice.

                Her feet moved, taking her closer to him until she stopped right in front of him. He was staring at her with such an intensity that it made her cheeks warm. He stepped forward and she mimicked him, taking a step back until her back hit the desk. Chuuya closed the gap between them, pushing his chest against hers. His hands slammed down onto the desk, his arms brushing against each of her hips, sandwiching her between him and the desk.

                  He lowered his face to hers, allowing her to smell the menthol cigarette he had previously been smoking, "Do you realise how crazy you dive me?" He asked her, his nose almost touching hers, blue eyes locked on her orange ones. A low laugh left his lips, sounding amused. "Of course you do. It's all on purpose after all, isn't it? You know exactly what you're doing." He said in realisation, a wicked grin on his lips. Aki was ridiculously turned on.

                  "You caught me," She chirped, brushing her nose against his. "I'm an evil seductress. Do you want a prize?" She purred, eyes locked on his like a missile.

                   Suddenly, one of his gloved hands was in the back of her hair, yanking it backwards. The force made a gasp of pleasure leave Aki's lips, "Oh, I'm gonna have my prize," Chuuya whispered, lowering his face to hers. "I'm so sick of pretending that I don't want you—I can't do it. That night in the pool is proof of that." He told her, making the spot between her legs warm. He wanted her. He had been wanting her for a while.

                   "What about Mori? You gonna risk making your master mad for little old me?" She was testing him, just to see how badly he wanted her. Would he go against the rules for her? Would he break them just so that he could touch her?

                    "Fuck Mori," Chuuya growled, bringing his other hand up to grip at her throat—a lot tighter than the last time, just the way Aki liked it. He tilted her head to the side, lowering his lips to the bare skin on her neck, just below where her red ribbon was tied. His lips brushed the skin, but he didn't kiss her. "I want you, Akira. I want you so fucking bad." He confessed against her neck, closing his eyes, breathing her in. The smell of her made him lose his mind—she smelled so fucking good.

                   Aki shivered.

                 "Then what are you waiting for?" She tempted.

                 Chuuya gripped her throat tighter, pulling her upward. Within a fraction, his mouth was on hers, kissing her so hard it made her head spin. He lips were attacking hers, opening them wider, his teeth grazing against her bottom lip, pulling it into his own mouth. He was kissing her so feverishly, like she was oxygen and he couldn't breathe. His hands were all over her, tugging on her hair for dear life, his other hand roaming all over the curves of her body. When his hand gripped her ass, it made her gasp, giving his tongue access to mouth.

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