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Angel of death.
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       A shot went off.

                Aki flew off of Kana, her hand coming up to clutch her shoulder where the bullet had struck, sending her flying backwards, "Agh! What the fuck!" She screamed in agony, lying on her back, blood pouring from the wound, seeping between her fingers that clutched the wound tightly.

Chuuya lowered the gun, smoke coming from the barrel.

He had shot her. He couldn't let her go through with it. He couldn't let her do it. He had defied his Bosses orders for the first time in his life—and he'd done it for her. He was beginning to realise he would do anything for her. He'd burn the world to the fucking ground and everyone in it if she asked. He would be the bad guy, he would take the weight of the world on his shoulders if it meant she didn't have to hurt. He couldn't stand it—the idea of her hurting. He would do anything he could to stop it—anything. And as much as he hated the realisation, he couldn't do a single thing to escape it.

                 Chuuya's feet moved as Aki sat up, a fierce glare on her face, thick blood running through her fingers, "You shot me! What the actual fuck!" She yelled accusingly at him, her voice breaking. She had never been shot—not even once. She was now understanding the agony others had gone though when she had emptied clips into them. It hurt like a fucking bitch.

                   Chuuya crouched down in front of her, "You'll tell Mori it was her," He said, taking her face in his hands, making her face soften, her lips parting, eyes widening at his sudden touch. "You'll tell him that she got away again—that she's a crafty little fucker who keeps slipping through your fingers. And I'll back you up. I'll back up every word you say." Aki couldn't believe what he was saying—what he was doing. He was defying his Boss for her. It wasn't like the time in the office at all, it was different this time. So, very different.

                   "Why?" She croaked, feeling her eyes begin to burn once again.

                   Chuuya stroked her cheek, wiping some of the blood on her face with his gloved thumb, "You know why," He softly told her, a gentle expression on his face. Aki's eyes widened. "You already knew the other night—it's why things went down the way they did, isn't it? I didn't get it at first. But I do now." He assured her, taking her face in his hands, bringing it closer to his.

                   He rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes, "I told you once that I got you. But I don't think I did. Not then at least," He confessed, his voice above a whisper, as if he were telling her his deepest, darkest secret. "But I get you now. Akira, I wholeheartedly get you." He told her, his forehead pressed against hers, his eyes closed as she sat there like a statue, her eyes wide, heart thumping in her chest.

                   "You're afraid of feeling. Shit, you're terrified of it, aren't you?" Aki gulped, tears coated on her lashes. He brought one of his hands downwards, putting it over where she was clutching the gunshot would. "But you feel this—you feel the pain. Just like you feel everything else. I don't think you have for a very long time, but you feel it now. You aren't some machine who can't feel, Akira. You're a person. And I see you."

                  The tears dripped from her lashes.

                   She pushed her head against his, squeezing her eyes shut. She had been so scared of that—so fucking terrified of it. She hadn't wanted him to see her. She didn't want it. But then, why did she feel so relieved? She felt like she could finally breathe for the first time in a very long time. Somehow, the man she had sworn to loathe had broken down the walls she had built up until they crumbled around her. And she wasn't scared anymore. She was content—safe. She wasn't afraid of being human, of showing how she felt. She was happy, sickeningly so.

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