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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
We've already proved even death
can't do us part.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aki sat in the chair outside the coffee shop, raising her iced drink to her lips, sucking on the straw. It had been a month since the fall of the Double A and life had been good. She had returned to the Port Mafia, alongside Chuuya who was allowed to keep his Executive position as a reward for assisting in the takedown of the assassin organisation. Mori had welcomed them back as if nothing had happened and neither of them could be bitter. Had they been in his shoes, they probably would have done the same—hell, they had done the same. They'd both tried to kill each other before they came to their senses, but who else would they be if not temper-mental and downright stubborn?

The pair had been searching for an apartment together for the last month, deciding they wanted to move out of the Port Mafia building and with Mori's approval, they immediately began house-hunting. It didn't feel too soon to be moving in together, not after everything they'd been through together within such a small time. They'd fought tooth and nail to be together—not even allowing death itself to separate them. Aki had just came back from dropping off some things at the apartment they had bought. It was all kind of bougie, right up Chuuya's alley. Though, they had already argued over the colour theme the house would follow. Aki had won that argument pretty quickly and all it had took was lowering herself to her knees in front of him and reminding him why she was very much the boss of the relationship.

Aki reached up, tucking a strand of freshly cut hair behind her hair. It had been fixed up a few days after the fall of the Double A and rested just below her ear, "You're looking well, Kana—not as deathly pale as you used to look." She said after taking a long sip of the iced-coffee. It was something she had recently took up after Higuchi took her to the very same cafe. She had become addicted to the caramel flavoured coffee.

Kana scoffed, her pink hair tied back into two low ponytails. It had grown out a little over the last month, touching her shoulders, "Yeah, I guess that's what Vitamin D does," She said, reaching up to touch her cheek. Aki was right, the colour had restored to her cheeks since she had left the Double A—she looked even prettier now that she didn't look as though she was on the verge of death. "You're looking pretty good yourself. I'm not gonna lie, I was really worried about that hair of yours, but it looks great." She said, picking up her black coffee to take a long sip, trying to hide the compliment beneath the cup.

Aki smiled a little, "Yeah, Chuuya seems to like it. Though he missed being able to pull on—"

Kana held a hand up, "Too much information," She spoke over her, squeezing her eyes shut. She did not want to think about her best friend and her handsome ginger boyfriend going at it over lunch. "You two though... you seem perfectly suited for each other. I never would have guessed it." She said, offering a small smile. Part of her was jealous, she couldn't deny it. Despite everything, she was extremely protective over Aki and sometimes she hated that the man took up so much of her time. But that wasn't exactly all it was. She'd never been romantically involved with anyone that wasn't part of a job—she envied Aki for having that.

Aki shrugged, though there was a smile on her lips, "Well, it was either kill each other or fall in love. What choice did we have?" She said, raising her brows.

Kana chuckled, gesturing with her hand, "The Great assassin, Akira Kitagawa, everyone," She drawled out, though she kept her voice down. Aki laughed, the corner of her eyes creasing. "For real, you make me sick." She added, screwing up her face, though her tone was playful.

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