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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Then kiss me, you fucking idiot.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aki had died and gone to Heaven— she was sure of it. Her skin was warm, but not scalding hot. Her muscles were more relaxed, making it easier for her to move. There was a smell of lavender in the air. She was sitting in the jacuzzi by her lonesome, her long hair tied into a bun on the top of her head—though the face framing parts had fallen loose around her face, the hair itself had gotten a little damp from the humidity. She was wearing the plain white T that clung to her body with only her underwear underneath—it wasn't like anyone would know anyway. She was completely alone outside.

The outside area was pretty nice, with fairy lights strung up from trees, twinkling in the darkness. There were rose bushes everywhere, a few benches scattered throughout and a picnic table close to where the swimming pool was. Her bedroom was right beside where the jacuzzi was, and so, she had left her slide door open a little bit, letting some air into the humid room. It was a particularly warm night—not exactly toasty, but from the heat coming from the jacuzzi, there was a warmth in their air.

Aki tipped her head back, a pleased sigh leaving her lips. She'd never been in a jacuzzi, but now that's she had, she could see the appeal. The water was bubbling, the temperature perfect on her skin, the smell of lavender wafting through her nose. She was enjoying it—very much so. However, once she had been sitting there, basking in the water for at least twenty minutes, a soft drizzle began dripping from the sky. It wasn't torrential by any means and was kind of warm—it felt nice. But then she remembered that she had left the door of her room open and that the rain would surely be running into the floor on her room.

She sighed, putting her hands on the rims of the jacuzzi and pushing herself out. Her bare feet hit the path, leaving a wet patch in the shape of her feet. The white T-shirt clung go every inch on her body, droplets dripping into the paved walkway as she headed in the direction of her room to close the door. Though, something unexpected happened. The slide open door to the bedroom next to hers opened and someone stepped out—usually, Aki would have sensed the presence, but water was something that threw her ability off, so before she could stop herself, she smacked right into the person.

They collided roughly, making Aki stumble backwards. She tripped, her body falling backwards. She felt her feet slip over a ledge and she tried to grab the thing closest to her to stop her fall—which just happened to be the person she had knocked into. But instead of stopping herself, she only dragged the person down with her. They fell for a second before their bodies were submerged in water, having fallen directly into the pool. Well, shit.

Aki's bare feet hit the bottom of the pool and she pushed herself upwards before breaking out of the surface. She coughed a little, giving her head a shake like a dog, water spraying from her hair. The person she had crashed into burst out of the water, a foul mixture of profanities leaving their lips.

It was Chuuya.

"What the fuck, Kitagawa!" He yelled at her, smacking the water with his hand, splashing it onto her, making her blink back. His hat was floating on top of the water beside them and his hair was clinging to his face and neck, sticking to him like honey.

Aki's eyes widened in annoyance, "Don't blame me! You came out of nowhere!" She exclaimed, splashing him back.

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