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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You're weak.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

             There was a pile of bodies on the floor. It had taken some time and they'd had to work together in perfect unison to do so, but after a couple of minutes the enemies that stood between them and the office were all eliminated. Aki had managed to use her ability—it had been a little out of sync, but with that mixed with her combat skills, she had managed to take them down regardless. Chuuya had done most of the work though, fighting them with lethal fists whilst using his ability to disarm them. They were a deathly duo indeed, just as Mori had planned.

               Aki let out a huff of air, stepping over the last body by the office door before kicking her foot out, slamming it into the wood of the door, using her ability to kick it down completely. It flew off the hinges, sailing across the room before smashing out of the window. Aki stepped in, crunching on the broken glass from the door, Chuuya right behind her. The moment her eyes landed on the man standing in front of his desk, her heart sank.

              He had Kana on her knees, her back turned to him and a knife to her throat. There was a wicked grin on his lips, "Good evening, Akira," Katsu purred, staring her down through emerald green eyes. Aki could feel her body begging her to stop—to turn around. The fear he had embedded in her still remained, making it hard for her to move. "I can't say I'm surprised you made it this far, especially when you have him on your side. So, you'll understand why I have her as leverage." He nodded down to Kana who didn't look afraid, her eyes locked onto Aki's.

              "I'm fine, Aki. Take him—" Katsu grabbed the woman by the hair, yanking her upwards and pulling her into his chest, the knife never once leaving her throat.

             "You take one step into this office and I'll slit her pretty little throat," Katsu promised, a revolting smile on his mouth, his eyes wild. "She's never been much use to me anyway." He added, sending a sly smirk to the woman in his arms, kicking her whilst she was down, knowing that his words were a lie and only said out of malice.

              "Fuck you." Kana growled.

             Instead of Aki, Chuuya stepped into the room, making Katsu's eyes widen in amusement, "Are you going to kill me for her, Gravity Manipulator?" He drawled out as Chuuya stood directly in front of Aki who seemed to be collecting her thoughts, trying to find the courage. "I must admit, this was a twist I didn't see coming. You've managed to surprise me in that regard, Akira." At the sound of her name, Aki looked up, her eyes connecting with Katsu's.

             She stepped around Chuuya, her feet stepping over the threshold, "Let her go, Katsu. You said it yourself, she means nothing to you. It's me you want," She reminded him, her eyes staring him down. Find the strength, Aki. "Just let her go." She spoke in a sharper tone, her eyes flashing dangerously.

              Katsu rose a brow, "Didn't I warn you?" He chastised as Aki's eyes widened. "I told you I'd kill her if you stepped into this office." Within a blink of an eye, he had ran the blade across Kana's neck, bursting the skin open. Blood burst from every vessel as the woman gasped, her body jerking at the sudden pain in her body as the blood soaked her.

             "No!" Aki screamed, taking a step forward as Katsu tossed Kana's body to the side, the woman falling on her stomach, gasping for air as blood poured from the gaping wound.

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