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I woke up this wonderful morning to find my comforter and sheets at the end of my bed all crumpled together. I assume that I kicked them off last night. I noticed that the sun was out today as its rays were seeping through my lilac colored curtains. Getting up to open them I tripped over my brown leather boots I slipped off last night before going to bed. I had gone to a costume party in East London.

It was a crowded party and I hardly remember what happened seeing as I was so drunk. Although I was drunk, I don't have a hangover. Lucky me. I then pushed myself off the floor and successfully parted my curtains. Then, I could feel the bad smell of my breath and decided to brush my teeth. My bathroom was to the left of my closet.

Brushing my teeth with my Pandora on, a One Direction song called Up All Night came on. I fan girled a little and then sang along. One Direction is my favorite boy band. Not my favorite artists though, that would be between Marina and the Diamonds, Imagine Dragons, or Birdy.

After I finished brushing my teeth, I got ready for an easy going weekend. I brushed my hair and put it in a waterfall braid on the left where my bangs were. Deciding to wear something comfortable and cute, in case anyone drops by, I slip on some black denim cut-offs, a silver, sequined tank, and my purple I <3 Niall socks. I also put on some lilac, shimmer eyeliner to make my hazel eyes, which have an unusual hint of red, pop. No mascara though. My eyelashes are already long, black and luscious. (Not to brag or anything.) I also put some sparkle lip-gloss on because it always makes me feel a tad better.

As I began going down the steps of my house I kissed all of my individual One Direction posters good morning like I always do. Just when I took my last step off of my stairs, my phone buzzed. It was a message from my best friend, Isaac, or as I call him, Issy.

Issy: Hey Rainy! Let's go for a walk! It's a beautiful day.

Rainy: Okay. Just let me eat breakfast first. I'll meet you outside in 20.

Issy: Gotcha ;)

I love Issy. He has been my best friend since primary school. We do everything together. We even have nicknames for each other because we got tired of saying the others full names. Mine being Ranaita was already difficult to say anyways.

So, I fixed myself a bowl of Bran Flakes, ate them, and laced on my favorite lilac running shoes. (As you can tell, lilac is my favorite color.) Next, I walked out the door to a bright smiling face. Issy was already on my porch ready to roll.

"Hey, Issy! Wonderful morning isn't it?" I cheered.

"Yes it is indeed. Let's get to walking girly. Then you can tell me how the party went last night." He insisted. We began waling on the side walk down our neighborhood. Side by side like the usual. I am so glad I don't have to work or go to Uni on a beautiful day like this.

"Okay. So ... the party last night was kind of a blur, but I'll tell you what I remember. I was dancing with Leighton, the guy from our Calculus class at Uni. We shared some drinks and then Kelsey joined us. You know how Kelsey is." I started off.

"She took him didn't she?" He knew.

"Yeah, but it was all good because I found a guy dressed in a Woody costume to dance with."

"Weren't you Jessie from that movie?"

"Uh-huh. Fate right? I'm pretty sure he was really cute, but after dancing with him for like 15 minutes I was already hammered. I barely remember whether or not I caught his name."

"If you think you really hard, do you think you got his number?" Issy nudged me with his shoulder playfully, raising his eyebrows. I blushed. I actually do think I got his number. Right when I remembered I rushed back to my house to find it. Issy yelled for me to come back and ran after me. We had only walked three blocks when I decided to turn back.

I barged through the red door of my white brick house, glad my mom and dad were on their work vacation. I ran upstairs to my laundry room. I stopped the washer and pulled out my Jessie costume pants and searched through the pockets. I found the paper, but it was soaked. Luckily most of the digits were still readable. I uncrumbled the paper and flattened it out on top of the dryer. I slung out my cell phone that was in my pocket. Just then I heard Issy running up the stairs. Out of breath he started to say something.

"What was that all ab... oh I see you did get his number." He looked down at the smudged digits and offered to help. We determined who the number belonged to after we called a bunch of different ones that were obviously not the number on the paper. Once I figured out who it was, I couldn't breath.

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