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-Liam's P.O.V.-

It's another usual tour day in the states. We're rehearsing some songs for tomorrow's concert. We are almost done, but I feel like it's going to be hours before we're out of here. I don't know why, I just think that it's taking extra long for some of us (cough Niall cough) to get our parts right.

I don't know what's wrong with Niall. He's been messing up and day dreaming all day. It's been like this these past two weeks. Ever since we left Ranaita. It doesn't make any sense. I saw him flirting with that girl, Laura? The girl from the party. I've been wondering if he's been thinking about her lately or something. I would ask him about it, but for some reason I feel like I would regret it.

Currently, we are singing More Than This and he hasn't paid attention one bit. When it comes to his part, he just stares in space. I'm getting tired of it. I just want to go back to the bus and Skype Ranaita. I want to get this rehearsal over with, but I can't until he gets his part right.

"Niall! You missed your part, again!" Harry groans at the boy. Niall mumbles an apology, once again, but I'm not letting this continue.

"What's going on, Niall?" I asked him, a bit frustrated. I walk over to him as I wait for an answer. He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. I back away a bit and motion for him to tell me.

"Nothing, just thinking." he replied. I don't believe that it's nothing. It can't be. 'Nothing' wouldn't be making Niall miss his parts. He's usually right on time and knows every word.

"No, it's something and you're going to tell me, right now. I know that you're thinking about a girl, I can tell. Is it Laura?" I pressed on. Louis came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think it's a girl mate." Louis told me nervously. I just looked at him and waited for Niall to respond again.

"It is a girl, but I'd rather not talk about it, Liam."

"Well, you're gonna have to. You obviously can't keep you're mind off her and you need to let your thoughts out. It will help you pay attention and stay on track so we can leave. Now, tell me." I forced. Niall and Louis both looked at me with pleading eyes. Harry and Zayn were in the corner whispering to each other suspiciously.

"I can't tell you, Li." he informed me. I became angry. We're best mates, usually... He use to tell me everything and I still tell him everything.

"Why not?! You have been so distant lately. Just tell me." I snapped. Niall's eyes became watery and Louis walked away muttering something to himself.

"I can't. You have to understand, you'd hate me if you knew what I was thinking." he said at almost a whisper.

"I don't care! I deserve to know. You've been keeping things from me lately, Niall and I don't like it. I'm your best mate and I tell you everything, would do anything for you, and here you are keeping secrets! Now, tell me before I go completely mental!" Niall seemed a taken aback by my outburst, but nodded anyways. He sighed and cleared his throat as if there was about to be a long speech coming from his mouth.

"I don't want you to take this too bad, but I love Ita. I love your girlfriend, Li. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be mad, but I guess you're mad either way. The reason I've been out of it today is because I've been thinking about that kiss that we shared. The one that she told you about. I know I liked it, there were sparks. I know that she liked it, as well. I could tell in her eyes afterwards and how she pulled me closer during. I know she said that she didn't like it, but she told me that she did. She said it was nice, but not like yours. I know that she loves you more than she loves me, but she does love me. Knowing that, I can't just back off. I can't help but want to make her mine even though she is yours. I know I have a chance to be with her, even a slight one because I know she feels that she loves me. I can tell because she tries to distance herself from me when your around and tries to push me away, knowing that if we get too close, she'll fall for me. She knows that there could be something between us, but she doesn't want to hurt you. I've been thinking that maybe, she does love me like she said she loves you. She's just too deep in it with you to break it off now. That's what I've been thinking about." Niall told me. Then, the tears began. I didn't understand why my best mate would do this to me.

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