fire and police

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19-12-2020 side of the highway, car 

Fire surrounded me, it was everywhere and it was burning away my clothes. I couldn't see anything due the thick, dark clouds of smoke and the bright flames. 

But the weirdest part... It didn't hurt. It was extremely hot, and sweat running down my back while I was trying to get myself out. But the flames didn't hurt...

I knew how that was possible... The tea I had practiced making that morning was magical and protected me against elements. Mom would be proud if she-

I glanced shortly to the front seets. To the two bodies. If I hadn't known who were there, I wouldn't have recognised the two burned away bodies. 

I turned back to the task of trying of opening the door, ending up slamming my arm through the window. Pain spreaded through it, but I didn't care. 

Get out, get out...

I climbed out, falling on the hard concrete clumsy. With closed eyes I rolled away. Hearing traffic close. I freezed, laying still between the warmth of the fire and the sounds of cars driving by on high speed. 

I shivered, being cold now I wasn't between flames anymore. The winter already started and my wripped and burned clothes didn't really worked against the freezing wind. I curled up, hugging myself and again moving closer to the flames again. 

A red audi stopped close to me and a man around his fourties got out, walking to me worried while talking to his phone. He muttered in it quick while kneeling down next to me.

Someone wrapped a blanket around me. When I looked up I saw a young lady on high heels and a way too short dress. She smiled at me, worried.

I curled up under it, trying to hide for everything... The fire, the cars, the raindrops, the voice of the man.

"How badly are you wounded?"the man asked with a low and calm voice.

Who cares about me? I thought, who cares about this teenage girl? My parents were still in that car... They needed help. 

I held my wounded arm closer against my body so I wouldn't have to show and didn't answered immediately. "N-no..."

"So no burns...?" The man tried to push the blanket down a lil more. 

I whined softly and pulled it only thighter around myself. 

"If you say so... Then only two ambulances... Do you need something else, girl?"

A fire truck and a few police cars stopped by and firemen ran out. 

I stared empty at what they were doing. 

An old police man with a messy black mustache and a bald head kneeled down and handed me a shiny silver blanket. I pushed it away, shaking my head. "Girl, you have to keep warm... Come with me to my car, okey?"

Again I shook my head, staring at a man in full uniform that yanked open the door of the car, lifting up the half burned body of a man.

"Dad!" I got up and stumbled towards the fireman. "Dad answer!" I teared up, grabbing the arm full of burns. Staring at his ruined face, I waited for any sign, any movement, but I knew it wouldn't come. He was dead, and the moment I fully realised I collapsed.

The blanket fell on the ground around me, leaving me almost naked and cold. I hugged my knees, sobbing loudly while keep saying he had to answer. I pushed hands away that wanted to care for my wounds, wanted to wrap a blanlet around me. I didn't wanted help, absolutely not. The only thing I wanted was my parents. The only thing I couldn't get was exactly the same. 

I would be better off dead, I tought. If I hadn't drank that tea I would have been in that car, not noticing any of the drama. 

"Young lady... I have to ask you to come with us," a waman said.

I stayed silent and stared at my knees. 

Sleeping forever... That would be the nicest. 

"I'll take you to the office and give you warm choco... Or something else warm and we will talk about what happened in silence... You can take your time... But you should come with me..." Her voice was calm and she held out her hand patiently. 

I stared at it trembling before taking it.

She pulled me up and wrapped the blanket back around me. "Are you okey with it if I bandage your arm at least?" The woman took me with her to the roarseat of her car. 

"Yeah sure.." I got in and she sat down next to me. A man got behind the wheel and drove off while the woman next to me started cleaning my arm. 

When we arrived 15 minutes later my arm was bandaged and a lil warmer. The woman waited till we were in her office. She shove her desk chair to me before leaving again to get tea for me. 

I silently played with my sleeves, waiting for her to come back while looking at the organized desk. A lil card told me her name was Alice Grayson...

She came back and gave me a papercup with hot tea in it. "So... Are you okey with it if I ask some things?"

Warming my hands to the cup I nodded. 

"Okey... What's your name?"

"Rue... Rue Lane..."

"Nice to meet you Rue, I am Alice. Can you tell me who were in the front of the car?"

"My parents," I whispered, almost crying again. 

"Hmm... Can you tell me their names?"

"Luke Bell and Willow Lane..."

She smiled, "so you got your surname from your mom? Interesting... Were where you heading to?"

I stayed silent for a while, "it was a surprise... They didn't tell me..."

"A surprise?"

I nodded, "for my birthday... I turned 15 yesterday..."

"Then a late happy birthday to you..."

"Thanks," I smiles sad and sipped my tea.

"Hmm... Can you explain what happened?"

Memories of what happened flashed in front of my eyes, but I shook my head. No, I couldn't explain it with words... But... I pulled a blocknote towards me and without a word I drew two lines had to be the motorway. After that I grabbed two erasers and recreated the scene.

She smiled calm at me and nodded. 

"Do you get it now?" I muttered.

Mrs Grayson nodded and noted down the last things. "Do you have any family we can bring you to?"

I shook my head. "no... I can walk to my uncle myself, thanks..." I didn't had any family, but telling them would get me probably in an orphan, and that was my worst nightmare. Rather being on the streets then that. 

"okey.. If you say so," she smiled, believing my lie suprisingly. "You can always call us and ask for me if you remember something else, okey?"

I nodded and stood up silently. "Have a good day."

"Same for you!"

With a last nod I left the office, nervous about what would happen, but still. I survived a car crash, why not the streets?


another story and I got absolutly no idea if this is gonna work out... I am not that good at english... so yeh... dunno about my planning, just have patience... :)

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