09-03-2022 Leonards house, dining room

P.O.V. Rex

Rue suddenly turned pale while eating and wrapped her arms around her now way bigger belly. 

I looked at her shortly, "what's the matter?"

"It's coming, It's coming," she muttered.

Finn gasped, "baby!"

I chuckled. I was waiting for this now way too long. The drama queen had first tried her anorexia idea, then she had tried to get rid of herself 2 times and then to starve out the creature in her belly. It all didn't work and we looked after her now 24/7. 

I knew what we would do with her kid, I knew that by her behaviour. 

I lifted her up calmly and walked to her room.

She was breathing way too quick and was crying like always. Baby she was.

I rolled my eyes as Finn rushed into the room. He talked quickly to her to calm her down. I pushed her pants down.

"N-no," she cried, trying to kick my hands away.

I laughed, "what then, kid, do you want to keep it on?"

Rue glared at me, "at least shut up for an hour."

"You want me to miss the birth of my kid?"

She looked away but let me. 

"Cute, i hope your kid won't get that from you... If he is as bad ass and pretty as me, then maybe we will keep it... Or longer."

She ignored me, being in pain again. 

Around an hour later I could lay a bit bloody but small baby in her arms. "Well done, love. A boy."

She was crying again, not of happiness, but fear. She held the small body close to hers, protecting it as far as she could. 

"Did you think of a name?"

She stayed silent for a while. "No..."

I sat down on the side of the bed, acting nice. A new plan formed in my head. Yes she cared about this kid, but not enough yet. "Think about it, okey? I'll give you a few hours."

She nodded.

"Call one of us if you need something," I stroked over the head of the small boy in her arms. 

She pulled him even closer and snarled at me. 

"Ey, calm down girl," I chuckled and got up. "Have fun with him, no one will touch you in the coming hours."

"Hmm.." she turned back to the boy, "and after that you will kill this cutie and do the same with me."

I pulled Finn up and dragged him with me out the room, "give the young mom some privacy with her kid," I said, so she could hear it as well, but the moment we were outside and the door was closed, I pushed him against the wall, "Don't tell me you told her that shit."

"W-what?" He pushed himself against the wall.

"Boy, or you want me to say girl," I saw the pain in his eyes again, "you told her, didn't you? It isn't fun, if she doesn't build up a relation with that baby, then killing it doesn't make sense."

He pushed himself against the wall, "I-I didn't..."

"Yes you did, traitor. And you are so dead now, we won't tell you anything anymore. You won't see her anymore, just. Fuck. Off."

"Rex..." He made himself small, "s-she found out herself... I s-swear."

"Like I trust you now, weakie."

"C'mon... She needs someone..."

I grinned, "she got that boy now, and me."

"You are gonna fucking kill him!"

"Who said I would this time?"

He sighed, "You said it like a thousand times last weeks."

I crossed my arms, "well, not this time, and you won't tell her."

He sniffed. "Yeh, sure thing bro, never."

"You will see."


a/n short chap, but 'buisness dinner' was longerr :)

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