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16-04-2023 Hoseoks house, livingroom

P.O.V. Rue

If I believed the girls, Hobi and I were the best couple on earth. We never had a fight, and we didn't hide anything for each other. except the alcohol maybe, but that was something they all didn't know but Hobi. I had told him a bit. I told him I was busy with it, and that I was trying to stop. He helped me partly, looking at my bank account every day and asked me every evening if I did. Hobi was never angry on me for using it, he talked with me about it for a while and asked me why I did that. 

Rex texted me sometimes, and it still freaked me out. Every message could be an order to do something, but till now, it wasn't yet. 

But back to relations, because there were some fights now and then between Scarlett and her new boyfriend, Yoongi, and between El and Jungkook that had a relation together now for more then a month. 

And now again. Our plan was just a fun evening, and they all slept at ours but I knew something had happened when I walked downstairs.

The smell of alcohol was strong in the kitchen. A few empty bottles stood on the counter and one was still half full. 

I tried to only breathe through my mouth, so I would smell any more alcohol as I threw the bottles away. I startedcleaning the whole kitchen, trying to get the smell away but it didn't work.

If they could drink, then why couldn't I...? My hands trembled a little, leaving the kitchen for what it was and I went to the livingroom, finding the next dramatic scene. Yoongi and El both on the couch and sleeping. 

I swallowed and didn't know anymore where to go. I slumped down on the bench in the garden and took my phone from my pocket.

As usual, a couple of messages of Rex were waiting for me. 


Rexie boy aka hella annoying stalker dude that thinks he is funny

hey baby
I want you to do something
time has come to meet again...
12:00 in front of that hospital, there is a bench over there at the river
If you tell anyone, someone will be dead very soon :)
see ya then, cutie

fuck off, I am not coming

are you sure? 
Because I have some great plans for if you don't listen, sweetheart
So just do what I ask you to

see ya then
and don't call me like that,  sucker

Punishment counter: 7

Fuck off

punishment counter: 8 :)
Looking forward to it sweetie 


I stared at the water a few hours later. I had left the house in silence, ignoring the fight between the others, and now I was a bit to early at the bench he wanted me to. I kicked my feet a bit, being nervous as fuck and you could see it from my knuckles. They were white from squeezing the wood of the bench tight. 

"hi..." A girl muttered, sitting down next to me silently. She was a bit younger then me and had long brown hair. She wore a chique tight dress made of a red fabric and the moment I saw it I knew excactly with who she came here. Rex...

At the buisnessdinner I had worn the same. Close to her collar I could see a small bloodspatter... it was my blood... Rex had broken my nose just before he gave me the dress...

"Hey..." I smiled weakly back, searching on her arms for any signs of damage. I couldn't find anything but thin lines on her wrists. She was depressed...

She saw me look and tried to hide them for me.

"Was that from before Rex...?" I asked, without thinking about how weird that would sound for her. Almost like I stalked them.

She looked up, frowning at me, "How do you know about us?"

"He... is my ex..." I said, smiling sadly. "I warn you. You can't trust him."

"If you are jealous you can search someone else."

"How can I be jealous on you for having a boyfriend that killed my baby?" I said, turning to her. "Listen. I know him, and he is playing on your trust. Soon he will become a bad guy and do things to you that you don't want."

She stayed silent for a while. "Sorry but I won't believe you."

I shrugged, "where is Rex? He was the one that wanted to talk to me."

"He said he had to do something and that I had to wait here..." She said, "So you are saying that you are his ex?"

"yeah," I nodded, "And I recognised you by your dress. I wore excactly the same once, and I know it is the same dress..."

"oh..." *she played with the fabric, "are you sure?"

I nodded, "yes, and I am sorry I have to tell you... but you better leave him, girl."

"Now...?" she looked around for any sign of her boyfriend, freezing as she looked behind us. "h-hi..." her eyes filled with fear.

I turned around as well.

Rex grinned at me. "hi pretties." He walked around the bench and sat down between us, wrapping an arm around the girl. "Daisy, meet Rue, my ex... Rue, meet Daisy, my new project."

She flinched back and tried to make herself as small as possible.

"so, the deal," He said, ignoring her behaviour, "you will be at the bridge over there at midnight... you take no one with you. You won't wear any tracking devices or weapons with you and there will be a phone waiting for you... call the first number in the contactlist and you get further information. Go with an old car or a taxi... Don't dare to leave any traces."

"And if I don't want to come?"

"Then you shouldn't eat meat the coming days, since I am sure that you won't taste the diffrence between cow and this pretty thing next to me."

My eyes widened.

"Think about it, and remember... don't tell anyone sweetheart..." He patted my knee before getting up, yanking Daisy with him.

She yelped scared, looking back at me for a second with big eyes full of fear before they left me alone, frozen.

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