-epilogue- revenge

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18-04-2023 highway, Jacobs car

P.O.V. Rex muhehegege

The trembling ground I was laying on and the sound of an engine were the first that I noticed. Slowly followed by soft talking of my friends. I couldn't move, giving me the feeling of being trapped in my own body. I hated it, trying to open my eyes. 

The music in the background became a bit louder and someone hummed along with it softly. 

I was mostly the one scolding them for doing things like that, but my head hurted too much, my neck as well...

I slowly realised again what happened. That little brat had tried to kill me... But had been in such a hurry that she didn't check if I was dead already.

I coughed up something salty. It tasted like iron... Blood. 

"Rex?" Jacob muttered.

I groaned, finally having the energy to make a sound. 

"Are you alright?"

I opened my eyes, quickly closing them again by the light. I tried again, now a bit slowler to look straight into Jakes eyes. Jacobs eyes. Shit, I was copying the nickname Rue had given him. "Ah, nice..  I am dead," I groaned, coughing again. 

"You aren't, thanks to Bran..."

"Can't Nils do that?" I muttered, my hand felt the bandage that was bandaged tightly around my neck. 

I saw him make a difficult face, laying a finger on his lips, nodding at Brandon, who sat curled up on the seat next to Alex in the front. His eyes seemed empty and dried up tears stood on his cheeks.

Men didn't cry... Especially he...

"Shit..." I muttered, knowing exactly what had happened. Nils hadn't survived... Rue hadn't only killed her bestie, but my private doctor as well. That friend of hers had killed leonard...

"Yeh..." Jacob whispered, worriedly looking at his friend. "He cared for that nasty wound in your neck and from then on didn't do anything... But crying..."

Brandon ignored us, but I knew he felt bad for acting weak. But honestly... I absolutely understand that he did. Those two kept each other up and helped the other... Even while Nils was way sweeter then Brandon, only hurting others if he had to, and Brandon was our strongest member. They were almost ying and yang.

And now...

I sighed a bit, "Brandon... I totally understand your feelings, and soon we will get them back."

He turned around, his mostly sparkeling black eyes were now teary from crying. His hair was messy, and I knew it was from rushing his hand throught it. He always did that when he was nervous. "Let me kill her boyfriend..." 

I grinned a bit, "I like that idea... Torture him as long as you want in front of her..."


I nodded, "soon... Soon she will be begging on her knees again..."

A/N wiehh, this is the end of the first book! I hope you enjoyed my book, and I am planning a new one called Dramatea, so then it will be kind of a book series and I am already excited for it. so... yeh. I know you all were very angry when you read 'P.O.V. Rex' but gehe, I am a little vilainwitch, so don't blame me... it was the magical tea I drank 😌

anddd, maybe I'll put a bonus chapter in it for my pretty readers that wanted a very intresting scene between Hobi and Rue... but I'll see what I will do geh :)

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