alcohol and pleasure

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21-01-2023 Hoseoks house, kitchen (a/n lol, I had to add my own birthday for no reason)

P.O.V. Rue

It went better and better between Hobi and me. Damien had told me about the thoughts of the boy and it had relaxed me more every day. I still slept on the couch, since I had a fear for beds, but he had told me that I had to soon, to get over it. I got used to his touch. We hugged now when he came back from work and in the evening we sat on the couch sometimes, just talking while he played with my hair. 

He worked every day in the week, except weekends. When I was alone, my mood changed. All sounds and other things around me became too much. Luckily I had found something that fixed it again. Hoseok had a large drawer with all diffrent kinds of alcohol. In the back were some with a higher percentage. I had stolen three of them and hid them in my workroom. Every day, just after he left I took one sip. It was strong enough to turn off my feelings for a while.

But every day, the portion got bigger, not only because with less it didn't work, but with more it made me even happier than with tea and I loved that feeling.

In that month, I drank all three of them completely empty till the last drip. I didn't dare yet to take new ones from the drawer, since he had wondered this week where 'some bottles' were, so he was a bit suspicious about it.

I stared emptyly in front of me, sitting in the workroom on the ground. It was a mess since Hobi promised me to never clean it and I never did nor organized it. I needed it.

One bottle,

He wouldn't notice that, right? 

Just a small bottle... Or a big one and then...

I got up and walked to the kitchen. My fear for anyone was growing at the same time. One sip of the happy drinks and it would be fixed, I was sure about that.

I opened the drawer and took a bottle with Soju. Without checking the percentage, I took a large sip, and one more, ending up drinking more than I had planned at first. 

I had to sit down due to lightheadedness that followed, combined with a blurry vision. 

I took another sip, not noticing my trembling hand nor the liquid I spilled on myself with the movement. 

The drawer was still open and I made use of it by leaning against the side.

I couldn't stop drinking this time. My discipline had disappeared and the bottle was empty in no time. 

"dummy you aree,"I laughed, making the bottle roll away and I pushed myself up for as far as possible. I was too busy to hear anything else, but I could feel his hands as he pulled me away.

"Rue..." Hobi muttered worried, turning me around to face me.

"That's my nameee," I giggled.

"Yes, It is... Are you alright?"

I nodded, "never been betterr." I tried to grab a new bottle but he stopped me and closed the drawer. I whined loudly, "Hobii, give me somee."

He shook his head, carefully leading me with him to somewhere. My coördination was gone, almost tripping, so in the end he just lifted me up and quickly walked upstairs to his bedroom. He laid me on his bed. "Go to sleep, Rue..."

"nooo, I am not tired yet!" I sat up again. The whole world started spinning and an unpleasant feeling came up from my stomach. 

He pushed a bucket under my nose just in time and I threw up. A horrible taste remained in my mouth. 

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now