more than friends

7 4 18

04-03-2023 Hoseoks house, bedroom

P.O.V. Rue

I woke up in Hobi's arms, not remembering anything anymore. I have a headache, but I don't care, since I am back with him again. Safe and no fear of Rex.


I looked at my phone on the nightstand, but I let it for now. He couldn't blame me if I was still asleep. 

"Hey lovey..." Hobi muttered sleepy. His morning voice made me smile.

"Hey..." I looked into his half open brown eyes. Sparkling and endless. 

"Did you sleep well?" His smile was bright and beautiful.

I nodded, "yeah..." I looked around a bit lost. "How did I came here?"

He chuckled with difficulty, "don't you remember?" 

"No... Did I drank much?"

"The three of you were extremely drunk and a strange guy called me that someone had to pick you up... And Scar and El as well..." 

"Woops," I giggled, turning red.

He sighed, "Rue... He said you drank more then- nevermind, just keep in nind that drinking this much alcohol is bad for your health..."

I nodded, "will try."

He smiled, "I wanted to tell you something tho... So... If you wanna hear it already..."

"Sure," I sat up, looking at him curious. 

"So... From the moment Insaw you... No wait, that's not original enough... Uhm... I found out recently that I started to like you in a different way... I think it's love, and I wanted to ask you already for a really long time, but..." He grabbed a small sack from his nightstand, and took a small bracelet out of it. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

I didn't take the jewlery but hugged him tightly, crying of happiness. "Yes... Yes I do," I nuzzled my nose in his neck while I danced inside of my head. The girls had explained me about relationship yesterday, and I had said out loud that I liked Hobi. The next day, so now, he asked me. They were right and I didn't have to take the first step. 

He smiled and hugged me back around the waist. 

Butterflies made their way out of my stomach into the rest of my body. 

He pulled back after a while to look at me with a bright smile, "that's good... Very good..." He pecked my forehead. 

I giggled and took the bracelet from him, admiring it. It was silver and thin, and in the middle was a small triangle. It was simple but I loved it.

"On your witch book stood the same symbol so I thought that you would like it," he muttered, stroking my back. 

I nodded, "can you put it on?"

He chuckled surprised and did as I said, laying my wrist on his knee while doing. 

I watched him silently.

He stroked my head again when he was done, "it looks beautiful, pretty girl."

With a giggle I crawled into his lap, leaning against his chest, "yeh." I looked at my wrist for a long time, enjoying his gentle touch. "Scar and El only told me yesterday what boyfriends were..." I muttered.

"Oh really? Rex never told you then?"

I sighed, "n-" I thought back about what he had told me to do. "No he didn't..."

"Hmm... Then I am happy the girls explained you then, baby."

With a soft smile I nodded and played with the fabric of his shirt. 

"Did you ever... And I don't know if I am going too quick then... Kissed?"

"Well... Some did kind of a kiss, but that wasn't in a nice way..." I muttered.

"Right... Tell me if you want to do it... We will just put it is the lessons..." He smiled softly at me.

"Okey, sure," I took his hand and drew silently on his palm. I had always been obsessed with hands for no reason, qnd then mostly if something happened. It calmed me down to trace lines over it.

He watched me for a while, "What do you want to do today?"

"I dunno, maybe..." I looked up with a grin.  "...we can do some stuff..." I turned around half on his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He chuckled and looked down to me, pecking my hair, "oh really? And what kind of stuff then?"

"Hmm, maybe... A new lesson?" I giggled again.

Hobi stroked my hair back, "and then what, hm? Do you want to do the plan about kissing, or..."

"Surprise me..."

He pushed his soft lips on mine and started a deep kiss.

I answered it immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck, moving my lips in sync with him.

He smiled soft, laying me down on the bed carefully and he hovered over me, tapping his tongue against my lips.

I opened my mouth slightly and let him enter. Kissing wasn't that hard. Rex had done the same but then rougher and a bit more commanding. I pulled back from it after a while, out of breath but happy.

"Do you want more...?" Hobi muttered, panting as well.

"More then... Not yet... Sorry..."

"No, that's fine, don't worry so much," he smiled and hugged me. "I have to be patient with you all of the time, and luckily I am... So...."

I nodded, "If you say so, Hobi."


Wiehh, yeah sorry, nothing more than this :) next chapter is the start of big drama and is a while later, so I wanted to explain some stuff before I publish that part as well.

Scarlett gets a boyfriend names Yoongi, and they are pretty happy with each other, but they start to fight sometimes. It's not that obvious, because its mostly when they are with the two of them.

Eliana had indeed a relation already with jungkook, but she didn't dare to say it yet to the other since it was someone that bullied her first geh :)

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