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20-12-2022  Hoseoks house, living room

P.O.V. Hoseok

Rue dragged me to the livingroom, a smile played on her lips and her eyes were sparkling. She seemed happy. While we had dinner she was like this too. The drama had dissapeard fully from het mind and a childish behaviour had taken in his place. 

She sat down quickly, wiggling till she found a comfortable place. Rue pat next to her on the couch. "Sit sit!"

I did as she said, smiling warm at the younger girl, "so, what was the thing you wanted to tell me?"

"Magical creatures!"

I chuckled, "the girls told me you know much about them, what's with them?" I took a sip of my sprite.

"They are real!"

I chocked on my drink, "wha-" Did she really still believed in that stuff? I thought, but smiled at her. "Are they?"

She nodded, "I am a teawitch and my aunt said you were a priest or an angel."

"Girl..." I muttered, staring at her unbelievable, "You are joking right?"

She shook her head, "nope." Her eyes were shining excited.

"no, you are not gonna brainwash me, little girl..." I squinted my eyes at her.

"I will just put a little bit extra information in your brain, don't worry."

I sighed, "Sure thing, but I won't promise that I'll believe you."

She nodded and grinned a little wider. "okay... were to start." She hummed for around a minute toneless. "53% of the world population is a magical creature. Only 12% of this group knows the excistence, and mostly live in the countries they created themselves. Some are forbidden to even enter the human world ever again since we have rules now about telling about the magic. We can only tell someone if you are sure that it's a creature. My aunt can see the future, but couldn't see me anymore since I am with you and before that with Rex. 

"So because of that, I knew that you had to be one. An angel, Priest or a Demon. I think myself that you are an angel, but that's cuz you are sweet and everything... but a priest is possible as well because an angel only looks after ghosts and I am not dead, so that would mean that you are a priest. But priests are famous by their connection to the earth and dead people, and for as far as I know you now, you aren't."

I listened to her only half, staring at her like she just walked on water. 

She giggled because of my facial expressions, straighting her back a little, "I am a Witch myself, like I just said, and we have 7 diffrent kinds. We had eight, but then one turned against the others. Very bad... but anywho's, the country of angels is a very large place and you can fly to it the moment you got your wings. if you are one of cource. I don't know anything about priests, so then I have to search someone that can tell you more about it."

"Okay... so you are telling me that there are magical creaturesall over the world... and they kind of live in secret?"

She nodded proudly.

"And how do you want to convince me?"

"oh, don't worry. I fixed that." She grinned, "I asked an old friend to come over. People used to call my mom a creature collector. She was friends with almost every kind and people saw only negative things in that. They thought she only did because then she would have more information about diffrent countries and everything. But she could just make friends easily. I invited Damien, he is an cyclops that can hide his single eye. I hope that you two like each other."

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now