girls night out

17 3 80

03-03-2023 Scarletts house, front door

P.O.V. Rue

It was Scarletts birthday and El and I had decided to go out with Scar to a restaurant. Hobi made me promise not to drink, or at least he tried, but then Eliana had told him it wouldn't be a party if you forbid alcohol.

Scarlett's brother Mingyu opened the door, "hey girlies, I guess you two are here for Scar?"

From the very first moment I had seen him, it made me think of someone, but I couldn't place who exactly. He had brown hair and deep grey eyes. The last was familiar, I knew them from something, but he wasn't one of the dudes that had raped me, since I remembered all of their faces. Maybe, if I was ready for it, I could draw them. The only one I would spare was Finn.

"Jep!" Eliana smiled excitedly. "And tell her she has to but something nice for in the club."

He nodded with a chuckle, "wait here."

I watched him rushing upstairs, rocking myself back and forth on my feet, my hands behind my back.

"Cute," Eliana chuckled softly, watching me with a smile. 

I giggled softly.

"Can I ask you were that drama about alcohol was about?" She asked to break the silence that had followed.

"Oh, he came home two months ago, I was drunk... And it made him worry even more."

"Sweet boy he is. Is it better now?"

I nodded, but in my head I knew that I had lied to him. I still  drank, only now I bought them in a store without him noticing I took a bit of money away. Sleeping in bed went better with the day luckily, and Hobi had offered me a guestroom, but I loved to hug him as I fell asleep. 

We had made a deal about the pleasure part... Once in the two weeks, Hobi told me something. It was now just massages and things like touching my own body without fear and without going too far. But he slowly went to how to pleasure yourself... And I loved how calm and careful he went to that part. Every time he asked if I was ready for a small step further. And if I wasn't, then we just did the same as two weeks before that.

At least I dared to show myself naked now to him and last time, we had showered together. It felt almost like a couple... And about that...

Now my trauma was getting a bit on the background, I began to get feelings for Hobi. Everytime I saw him, it felt like butterflies were dancing in my stomach. Maybe the girls knew what to do, so I would ask them later tonight. 

Scarlett rushed down in a tight darkblue dress. It showed off her legs and gave kind of a sexy look, even while there were a few bruises on her legs. She froliced with her brother everday, and had always these bruises. She smiled bright at us. "Hey ladiess, I didn't expect you to come."

Eliana grinned, "we are gonna kidnap you, get in the car."

I giggled before dragging Scarlett with me to El's car.

She let me, getting in when I told her so. 

I sat down on the passengers seat and El got in next to me, behind the wheel.

"Where are we goingg?" Scarlet said, leaning forward between the two seats in the front.

"I won't tell you," I laughed softly and pat her head. "Just wait patiently."

"I don't have patienceeeee," she whined, acting dramatically. 

"I know, but just waitt," I muttered, looking at my phone silently when it pinged. 

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