21-02-2021 rex' house, living room

P.O.V. Finn

It had been two weeks since we found Rue. She was still with us and had ignored all the warnings I had given her. Alex and Rex were discussing when they would go into the second step of their plan of breaking her. It was almost the same as usual.

"I can't believe you are doing this to a 15 year old girl, rex," I muttered, looking up from my phone.

Both of the boys looked up. "Not your business, kid,"
Rex said.

"She won't fall in love with you, hyung... That's impossible when she is still traumatized."

"It isn't... You saw how she looked at me..."

"That isn't love! Don't you even hear her scream every night?"

"Trauma and love is possible, sucker," Alex said.

I hated that guy. The boy always wanted to fuck, didn't matter if he was in public. The only thing I did at night was looking after him so Rue could sleep peacefully.

"Back to our talk, you are way too patient with her... Just do it already so I can after that too."

"Fuck off, Alex. Like Finn said... She isn't in love with me yet, I can't break her enough to make her addicted."

"C'mon! You gave her already longer than most of them! She doesn't have anyone but you as a friend!"

I swallowed and turned back to my phone again, trying to ignore them.

"Bro... Not yet, I said!"

"Don't tell me you like her!"

"I don't!"

Alex grinned, "then why aren't you fucking the girl yet?"

"Cuz I have patience!"

"Well, very sorry, but I don't. Hurry up with your love plan, pretty please, or I am gonna do it when you are at work. Then say bye to her trust, and to her v-card..."

"I am here the one that can kill you without a problem. You would be so fucked if you dare to, boy... Taking the girl of the best friend of a mafia boss..." He snapped at Alex before rushing furiously outside to smoke.

Alex immediately turned to me, "Protect her another time and I will spill him about your feelings... Got that?"

"That was a secret I told you cuz I trusted you!" I jumped up from the couch.

"Well, trust can do much, but ah, poor you..." He rushed upstairs, leaving me there frozen.

P.O.V. Rue

I couldn't stumble back to Rex' room in time. I had been listening to their discussion. I didn't mean to, but after I had woken up from another nightmare...

"You are coming with me," Alex hissed and grabbed me at my hair. "No sounds or you will be even in more pain tomorrow."

He took me to his room, locking the door carefully as we were inside. "On the bed, and I prefer naked," he said, his eyes darkened with anger and lust.

I stepped back, "let me go..."

"Wasn't I clear enough? Lay down on my fucking bed, without clothes and spread out for me so I can do some fun stuff with you."

"N-no... S-stop..."

He stepped closer, trapping me against the wall. "Every second it takes you longer to get there will make it more painful."

Tears filled my eyes. "Alex.. w-why?"

"If Rex wouldn't have held me back then you were laying there weeks ago already." He grabbed my shirt and ripped it off me.

I began to cry. Tears rolled down my cheeks while I let all of it happen. I let his hands roam over my upper body, unbutton my pants. "And no sounds, remember?" He muttered.

"Or what? Scared I will find out?" Rex  banged with his full weight against the door.

Alex froze for a sec before going on with touching me.

The door banged out of its hangs and Rex came in, yanking Alex away.

I stared at the ground, listening to them screaming in the hallway.

"Rue...?" Finn walked it, but kept his distance, "are you alright?"

I shook my head, sobbing loudly. My legs couldn't hold me up any longer and I collapsed on the ground. I curled up crying, still trembling heavily.

"Hey... Are you okay with it if I walk a little closer?"

I nodded, looking at him now with teary eyes. "Is R-rex like this t-too?"

The pain in his eyes told me enough.

I saw Rex in the door opening, his eyes full of worries and fear. "Did he hurt you, lovey?"

I flinched back when he got closer.

Finn stopped him, "she is scared, Rex... Let me fix this..."

"Hmm, and I know why... Alex told me... The little bitch overheard our conversation. Maybe he was right, I have waited long enough." He stepped closer and pulled me up.

I tried to get out of his grip with all my strength, but it was for him no deal with his "everyday gym" vibes.

"Don't struggle, love, it wil only make it worse..." He pulled me with him to his room. "So... I hope you never had a boyfriend before, cuz that will make it for me even more fun, gonna ask you the same as Alex, and now you are gonna obey, understood?"

I nodded quick.

"So where are you waiting for? Bed, no clothes, now."


A/N let's stop here... We are not gonna writa about raping with details... But yeh, good guys turned into badguys... I didn't have the patience to tell about every day, would have been boring, so time skip of 2 months...

I don't have a script in my head this time about what is gonna happen in every chapter, so a question to my readers... You want me to write more about Rue and her life between those boys, more about the boys themselves, or just a few chaps about this part of her life and then going on to a way more loving but drama part?

By the way, tell me please if you want me to describe Rue, cuz I found out yesterday due a friend I didn't yet... I totally understand that you want that, or maybe not cuz you already have someone in mind... Gehe...

I hope you liked the chapter!

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