psycho girl

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A/N almost at the end of this book, ieieieieieiiee

17-04-2023 factory

P.O.V. Rue

Brandon dragged me with him through the hallways. Rex was walking next to him and explained something in a different language.

I tried to understand any of it, but I couldn't lay a single link between the words from them and English. Even while I had learned Latin and Greek when I was in highschool. I knew enough words.

It was probably something asian or something like russian... No not russian, I knew how that sound.

I heared Eliana scream in the room we were heading to.

Rex glanced at my pale face and chuckled. "She is worried~"

I glared back. His nice side was gone again, and I hated it. I had given in with the fact that I had enjoyed the moment in the shower. Yes, it had hurted, but even if it had been Hobi, I was sure it would have hurted. Or I guessed, because that boy showed me things and made me feel things I didn't knew I could do with my own body.

But Yes, I had enjoyed it with Rex, half, but more the minutes after that, into his strong and protective arms. He had held me like Hobi always did, and it made me feel safe and home, almost like I was with my boyfriend that held me safe for anything in the world I didn't like.

But now he was back to normal, his hair still messy and a few waterdrops at the tips of it, making the collar of his white shirt wet. The hair that I had touched, I had made it that messy and hot. Or... It would have been hot if he wasn't a dick.

I swallowed and looked away from him, locking my eyes on the door. Eliana's screams combined with those of Scarlett that begged someone to stop.

I yanked myself free of Brandon's grip and stormed into the room, seeing Nils and Alex torturing the girls. Alex was busy with cutting in El's arm, writing down a word. Nils held an in blood covered Scar against the ground. A dead body with a removed head lay on the ground. Leonard...

A/N, warning again, geh... Blood, killing, torture anddd, a kind of smut but not smut but smut? But I promise you'll like some things of it

I stormed to Alex and pushed him with force against the wall, slamming his head more then once against the wall before I grabbed the knife and threw it in the direction of Brandon, knowing exactly what the always sweet Nils would do.

And indeed, he threw himself between the knife and his boyfriend.

I hummed softly as I searched for another weapon in Alex' clothes. He was passed out and I was the one that kept him up. Not for long, cuz I found another knife. I grinned and hopped towards Rex and Brandon. The last one of the two had kneeled down next to Nils, stelping the wound as much as I could.

"Oh rexiee~" I sang and stopped in the middle of the room. "Come and get me, lovey."

He slowly looked at me. "You are crazy..."

"Fuck yes, I am," I giggled, "so are you gonna kill me or let me leave?"

"None," he glared and walked closer quickly, "I will just let Brandon t-"

I kicked him between his legs since earlier I had distracted him making him forget to put on his nutprotecter.

He groaned and bowed over a bit.

I grabbed his head and hit my knee up in his face.

His nose broke.

I pushed him to the ground and sat down on his chest, my legs on both sides of his body.

He squinted his eyes and tried to grab my hips. "Hi love... What's your plan, hm? Gonna be top this time?"

I chuckled, not caring about what he did with his hands. I pushed the knife against his neck. "Hmm, I am sure you are a very nice bottom, but I am not gonna try that out."

His hands slid between my legs.

I giggled again, "is this my reward for the fact that I will kill you?"

"Yes baby," he chuckled again and dug two fingers inside of me.

I put more force on the knife, making blood run down his neck.

He tried to move his fingers, trying to hurt me there before I would kill him.

I didn't show any mercy and kept pushing till he stopped moving. When I got up, I saw Brandon panicking now, leaving the room with an almost dead Nils. I was alone with the girls and an open door. I helped El up gently, and made her lean on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her waist. "Scar?" I muttered, "can you get up?"

She nodded weakly, shortly looking at her father before pushing herself up. Her arms almost not usable anymore due the cuts.

"Lets go..." I muttered, meanwhile grabbing Alex phone.

We walked out of the room and I led them to the exit slowly, taking my time. All of us couldn't even walk normally and just stumbled. I nervously looked around. "Where is the car?" I saw it already, noticing the flat tires. I scolded. "Assholes..." I brought them to the first car I saw, slamming my fist in the window so I could open the door.

I made El sit in the backseat and opened the hood, searching for the right threads.

After a few minutes I had fixed it and cleaned my hands on the drivers seat before driving off on highspeed.

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now