weird (?) questions

13 2 40

19-12-2022 Eliana's house

P.O.V. Scarlett

I rushed to the door when the bell rang. Ellie hadn't even enough time to stand up. I smiled brightly while opening the door. "Heyy."

Hobi smiled back and gave me a short hug. "Hey scar, how are you?"

"Not different from tonight... Where is she?"

He rolled his eyes because I had way too much energy  and stepped aside.

The girl he had told me about was as long as me and was staring shyly at the snow, moving it a little with her foot. Her clothes were obviously from Hobi. His style was visible even while she chose it herself. Her eyes stood empty. 

"Rue... meet Scarlett..." 

"Oh," She looked up for a second but the moment she looked into my eyes they traced back down to the snow. "Hi miss... I am Rue."

Miss... No one ever called me 'miss'. I chuckled soft, "Just Scarlet or Scar, please... I am seventeen."

She played with her sleeve, her cheeks flushing red. "Sorry... I didn't mean to make you feel old..."

Hobi laid his hand on her shoulder. 

I saw her flinching back a bit, but she let it happen.

"Rue..." He removed his hand again, "We just want you to be relaxed if you are with us... if it means you call us like that, it's fine too. But we are just not used to it. If you feel better by calling us with those nicknames it's fine... but feel free to use our names too."

She nodded silently. 

"Good..." Hobi looked back at me with a soft smile, "Have fun, and call me if there is something wrong, okay? I'll tell my boss I have some situations..."

I nodded with a smile, "jep! Will do." I stepped aside for Rue, "come in come in."

She did, shortly waving at Hobi.

I closed the door behind her, "There are no boys here, only me and Eliana, so do whatever you want. Do you want something to drink?"

She nodded, hanging up her jacket.

I only now noticed she wasn't wearing any footwear. "Oh, aren't your feet cold?"

Rue shook her head, "Don't worry about it, miss... I am used to it."

"If you say so," I took her to the livingroom. "so, what do you want, water, coffee, tea?"

I saw her eyes light up by the last word.

"I'll fix that for you, alright? Take it easy in here, you look tired."

P.O.V. Rue

I sat down next to a young woman. She was around her twenties and had darkblond hair, just like Scarlett. She was wearing some baggy jeans and an oversized shirt. "Hi! Nice to meet you, I am Eliana, call me El or Ellie please, like half of the world does."

I nodded, "I'm Rue."

"Oehh, love your name!" She smiled excited.

"Thanks miss," I smiled back weakly.

Scarlett gave me a cup of tea, the steam warmed my face. "I looked through my whole closet, and I found some pretty clothes I haven't worn in a long time, and El did the same, so you can look at everything and just pick whatever you like."

"Okey, will do," I clamped my hands around my cup and stared at it. She had gave me this without asking anything in return. It felt weird and I was scared at the same time they still would ask me to do things later on. But their smiles and faces told me they were normal people. They tried to get contact with me in a nice way and tried to get me confortable by just looking at what I needed. Rex had done something else. He had just bought me stuff.

"So... what do you think of Hobi, hm?" Scarlett said, sipping her drink.

"He is nice..." I smiled a bit, still staring at the liquid in my glass.

"just nice? Don't you mean he is the sweetest person on earth?" Eliana grinned a bit.

"and heaven. I swear, if magical creatures would be real, he is an angel, 100%"

Oh, and if you knew, I thought by myself as Scarlett said that. Yes, magical creatures were real. More then half of the humanity was one, but they didn't know. Only if one of your parents knew about it you had the chance of finding out. My own mom learned me from the moment I could talk how I had to make magical tea. Starting with the simple ones, only to change emotions and grow flowers. But the older I got, the more she tought me. All my tea-witch stuff was still at my parents house.. or sold to a random dude that thought it was from a 6 year old girl that made farytale stories. 

"Angels don't live in heaven, miss..." I muttered, "they live on earth and look after ghosts..."

Scarlett looked up surprised. "Oh, we got a fantasy book reader here?" She smiled at me warm.

"A bit... But... May I ask you some, weird stuff about mister Jung, miss?"

"You don't have to ask for that, but sure, will try to answer everything."

"Okay... How respectful is he to girls after around two months of living with them?" I nipped from my tea and a little smile appeared on my face.

"Hmm... He is always a gentleman, he never does things to girls... And he respects sexuality and everything... Why?"

"I was just wondering. Does he use drugs or alcohol?"

"Not that I know, alcohol sometimes, but drugs... No, that's not him," Eliana said, and I saw in her eyes the curiously, but I didn't answer their unspoken question.

"Does he have many male friends?"

Eliana nodded, "yeh, he is in a boyband with 6 others, all nice tho, just like him."

"None of them a criminal record?"

They both stayed silent for a while, "why are you asking, Rue? Are you scared one of them will hurt you? Cuz they never will, and if they do then not on purpose."

I nodded a bit, "okay, thanks for answering my questions," I rubbed my eyes. "I'll let you two talk, I am probably disturbing you... Where can I find a bed?"


wiehh, next chap is almost done as well. Hope you enjoyed this part :)

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